Harvester Suicide

Platform: Xbox 1

Description: Harvester straight up shot rockets at its feet until it killed itself. Also, rocket barrage went on for way longer than normal.

Steps To Reproduce: Unknown exactly, but throwing a firework is the catalyst. I’ve known for a while that Harvesters sometimes shoot at their feet after throwing a firework, I’m assuming to kill Ticks, other enemies close by, or maybe it’s just another glitch where they see themselves as a target. But I’ve never seen one shoot for so long or until death. This is the only time I’ve seen this exact behavior.

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Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: Solo

Specifications: Unknown

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For what I observed there’s bug that skips step “stop shooting” when target lost but didn’t registered properly due changes in the “target priority” list.
One of cases I catch this sort of bug when I’ve been actively using distractions and died in the process.
Or when machine for some reason get “target lost” command mid-attack. Most often that was caused with Hunters and their machineguns. I guess it’s possibility shared with all “burst-fire” weapons.

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I’ve seen it happen on Runners as well. If happens when I die in a church from shooting out of the bell tower. I think the bot’s supposed to deaggro after you’re killed, but it de-aggro’s midfire, and then won’t stop firing.

I have also seen this happen with Hunters and runners, for mostly the same reasons. Usually after throwing fireworks or flares, or being downed, they just keep shooting. I most commonly see it with hunters.

:thinking: I must see if this works with reapers. Would save me a ton of time and ammo. LoL!:grin:

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Lol, yeah, this glitch would probably be helpful in that aspect. However in my experience, it’s extremely rare. I’ve only ever seen it once, and above is it. Plus I’ve never seen any tanks fire at their feet.

I just had one kill itself when it called in a hunter wave and one of the boxes landed on it and delt the killing blow…lol

Just had the exact same thing happen while I was hunting Rivals.

I would say: it’s not a bug, but a feature.

I’ve been killed by such a pod, too.
And I can’t count how often a reaper killed all nearby machines. Or a tank which killed a nearby harvester accidently.

Yesterday I even used a rocket runner to kill an unarmed harvester :rofl:
I just took care that the harvester always was between me and the runner.