Hastvik safe house. double doors on each side of the blue truck

Steps To Reproduce:** happens every time you go to this location. location coordinates are at 512.384,3675.175

Images / Videos: https://youtu.be/-tin4Ncyszk

Host or Client: PlayStation 4

Players in your game: just me playing solo but has also happened in online with a friend

Yup this is a known issue me and my buddy had a pretty good laugh after I called it professor double door :joy:. Cheesy but we had a good laugh.

Same issue on xbox one x [2 x Model of blue lorry inhabiting same space](http://2 x Model of blue lorry inhabiting same space)

I ran into the same problem on xbox one S. I thought I was losing my mind at first because although you have to open both doors you only have to close the 1 door for both to close so that logic did not make sense lol

I just found it myself. I was like, WTH?
PC, single-player.

My Rig specs:
System: Dell XPS 8930 Desktop PC
Intel® Core™ i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3192 Mhz, 6 Cores, 12 Logical Processors
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 64.0 GB
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
Monitor: Tech Concepts (TCL) 55US57WB [55" 4k UHD Television]
Resolution 3840 x 2160 x 30 hertz
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home