Have u seen the new collectibles..war figurines

Any updates on the War Figurines?

At least I found Semla again (Aspenäs Safehouse) :slight_smile:

I found at least one.
There is no entry in the log for it and it had a cryptic name.

It’s at the new soviet trench location at Älvaret in north coast region.

Second Screenshot taken from a youtube-video of @tene, because I wasn’t as fast, my buddy picked it up before I was able to make a shot.


Yes, I found that. But I guess, it was not supposed to be in the game yet.
I picked up the collectable, and the message said “Notes from Anya Solovyova”.


Another little thing accidentally spilled over from development, that’s all it is. We’ve seen it before, it’s likely they’ll get properly added with a future update.