Am I the only one that’s having a problem when I open my menu and click on a health pack during a battle and it will not work? Sometimes even when I pull it up in my circle menu and have it in my hand it doesn’t work I’m getting wasted in these battles and using up adrenaline which is expensive to make cuz you have to have the tungsten. This makes playing even on Skirmish extremely difficult
First aid kits - you have to equip them (hold in hands) and press fire button.
Paramedic Response Pack - you equip it (hold in hands) and place on the ground (or you can deploy it from inventory menu), then use it to heal.
You actually don’t have to hold in your hands. I’ve been doing it for three years. It was much quicker to heal without having to switch to first aid kit then back to weapon. It’s not doing it every time, thankfully, but this is a huge bug to be introduced into the game with the LAST patch.
For me it still works on PS5.
Open inventory, select first aid kit, press Triangel, become healed.
Which system are you on?
I’m playing on the Xbox One S.
It’ll heal sometimes you know sometimes I have to press the button two three four times before it’ll do it sometimes it’s only the minor first aid kit that’ll work
Turns out they have a time limit installed on opening up your inventory clicking on a health kit when you’re in combat and you have to wait several seconds before you can click on it if you’re not in combat and you open your inventory you can click on it immediately. This is a stupid change
I don’t think it’s an intended change.
Maybe there are just too many information or data running while in combat which cause a delay.