Higher Dynamic Resolution Target FPS

id love for higher refresh rates under the dynamic resolution option. I have a 144hz monitor and it would be great if I could set my target FPS to be 144. while you’re at it, probably best to add other common refresh rates such as: 75, 120, 165, 240 and 360 while you’re at it. I doubt anyone can currently run gen 0 on ultra settings at 360 fps at the minute, but you might as well add it while you’re doing the other ones + future graphics tech may enable framerates that high.

I just don’t get it - why?

Maybe I’m to old, but playing at uncapped framerates (100+) and capped at 70 I saw no difference… Except the GPU usage being at around 100% in the first case.
Yesterday i limited it to 60fps, because electricity bills ara a pain lately :no_mouth:

And to be clear - I have a 144hz monitor.

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What 0L0 said.

Everything above 60 Hz shouldn’t be needed for a non-competitive game like GZ or the like and is just a waste of energy and an additional stressing of the GPU.

My 2 Ct. ymmv

personally i enjoy playing games, competitive or not, at a higher framerate over higher resolution, maybe you guys cant see it, but there’s a considerable difference in smoothness between 60 and 144hz. either way, its a feature that wont necessarily hurt anyone, but will slightly improve it for some people.