Himfjäll Region score stuck at 9611 lvl 20 *FiXED*

Seems my world is stuck at score:9611 lvl:20 on Himfjäll after cleaning out my 40ish rivals last week in an attempt to alliviate my crashing issue. Nothing I take down now adds to the score or spawns a Rival.

Crashes are still present but not as often as before.

Farmlands score still raises, managed to spawn a Rival in Farmlands at Score:4658 lvl 15

9611 is max score believe it or not.

Yes but I’m still not getting any rival spawns and I have no way of resetting/decreasing the score of the region to start over. Dieing havent spawned one either.
But I havent tried opening up my game to let someone else fool around on Himfjäll so I guess thats the next step.

Lvled my farmlands Rival to 2 now and then went over to Himfjäll again, died to a harvester without spawning a Rival but then killing it somehow spawned a Rival. Not sure how many hours I have been trying to spawn one but… oh well :wink:

Managed to lvl the Himfjäll Rival to 4 and take it down without crashing. This is the longest I have played on this savefile without crashing now since mid December.
Dare I say the performance, atleast for my system, is back to pre-Holiday event good times now. =)

HAHAh! I reloaded the game and went for another run on Himfjäll. Crashed after first kill…
I give up, cya after next patch :wink:

Do note that even when you have region level 20 and region score 9611, any rival you have in that region still gains XP as usual, until it’s lvl4.

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Tried again today after the win10 security update. No change. I killed a few tanks and lvled one Rival from 2 to 3 in Farmlands and crashed right after.