Home Base Wave Defence

Hi iv been playing the game for a cupple days now and I have this problem where it won’t tell me I need to generate a region score and iv been in the same region for an hour trying to get my score up but the mission has not popped back up. Iv killed 2 apocalypse class tanks and a cuppel targets and still won’t give me the prompt to start or evan that I need to build a region score

There’s also an hour “time out” on top of leveling up the region

Sometimes I had the problem, that I even wasn’t able to fast travel to my homebase. I’m sure that it’s known but was to lazy to search for. In this situations the icon of my homebase turned red :man_shrugging:

I’ve had this in singleplayer as well as in coop.
Did you fast travel there or did you go there by foot/bike?

Anybody figure it out?

I’m having this trouble too. I was able to do the mission twice, but now it’s gone. The microphones don’t do anything or have any text. I’ve killed multiple rivals to lower the region score and then killed heaps of other enemies to bring the region level back up but it’s not working.

Been trying for several days now to get it to work as another player told me it’s how you get experimental ammo schematics.

Is anyone able to help please?

Do you also have the icon of the home base turned red?

Here is a screenshot I took from the web:

images (4)

That happened once after I left a multiplayer game who hadn’t started the home base defense missions yet. I restarted the game and that fixed that.

I eventually got past the issue I was having - but I don’t know if this is something I can repeat or if I got lucky. And I don’t even know if this is what did it…but…

I was going into multiplayer games to see if anyone else was doing the mission so I could join in. I came across one game where they had heaps of safe houses I don’t have - so I started fast traveling to some of them so I could unlock them in my game. But, fast travelling quickly to safe houses 2-3 time in a row always crashes my game. Well, after the game crashed this time I started it back up and it said my save data was corrupted and that it would try to repair it. The repair was successful and as soon as my game started up again, the home base defense mission was good to go. Been working ever since…

I have the “Home Base red icon” problem also (for the third time).
The first time, after a lot of google it, i reinstalled the game, and solved it.
the second time, i was in my friend game, and the icon was only red for me.
I then restarted the game several times and all of the sudden the icon turn blue again.
do i have reinstall the game again???
I can’t be the only one with this issue!
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Same here! I Dont Know What Going On

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Anyone know a fix for this? I’m having the exact same issue, red icon, no fast travel, can’t press the buttons, can’t build ect and getting no where trying to sort it. This is even after the big update on the 8th, I really thought this would get sorted. Thanks if anyone can help with this.

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