How does Relay Beacons spawning works?


When i completed the main story line i moved to completed other things in the world like destroying fnix bases, rivals and also Relay Beacons… but there is a Slight problem with those… They just dont spawn in my world, i have bunch of areas that says “Relay Beacons 0/1” but there is none. I even looked at some players made maps to see where exactly are there supposed to be. Is it affected by Threat level or anything like that? Thanks.

I think they just don’t work any more as intended.
In the past they always were there and they always respawned after some hours.

Then, I guess with the Update that brought us the firebirds, maybe even much earlier, most (all but 3 or so) relay beacons didn’t respawn any more.

Maybe it’s just a bug, maybe it was intended to spare some ressources used by the game…maybe both somehow.

I didn’t look at the location stats for a long time, but you’re right, even in my new worlds the good old relay beacons don’t appear. So maybe the devs just forgot to remove the counters/tags from the location stats?

@SR_Carni can you tell us, what’s up with the relay beacons?

if you have relay becons completed in 1 world, also joining someone else map with becons

Beacons respawn for me at Ruskele and North of Stenmyra.

I have only one world… and i doubt that joining someone elses world would affect that.