How long does it take for another double relay becon with prizes in the third one to spawn another

how long does it take for another double relay becon with prizes in the third one to spawn another after completing it

Sorry, I don’t understand that question

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with today’s update I got a new mission with 2 relay becons next to each other, and after destroying both a 3rd becons shows up with goodies inside, I completed it, just wondering how long it takes for another mission like that to show up, do they spawn like Base Assault & Defense show on the map

Ah, now I got it.
You should read the patch notes.
It’s currently one per week.

im gonna try setting my PS4 clock back to yesterday :slightly_smiling_face: and see if that spawns me another, it was to short a mission, anyways

doesn’t work, nevermind, after hours of testing this, its apparently connected 2 the apex account