How much penetration does the PVG90 exp actually have?

I’ve heard stories of people lining up 4 runners and hitting them all with 1 shot, but I wonder if this is exaggeration.

But when I shoot an Apoc tank from the front, I can’t even penetrate through its guns or “chin” optics to hit the tick-canister on the back. Has anyone done any detailed testing on this? Or is there possibly a bug with the tank hitbox?

In the beginning you could take out 3 hunters with a single round if they were running towards you in a single file, which they would do a lot. Now, it is hard to say it cannot even go through a seeker.

Usually shoot big targets and if there is possibility to hit second big target i change to AP rounds and shoot trough first target easily.
Normal FMJ i have never seen go trough Tank or Harvester to hit second target behind them.

After a bit of testing, it seems that penetration is indeed still respectable with AP ammo, but quite pathetic with FMJ.

Yet there are sources out there saying you should always use FMJ because it still penetrates everything. So clearly there was a nerf somewhere along the line.

Also, even with AP ammo it still won’t penetrate a car side-to-side. Kind of makes me wonder if the EXP is still worth it compared to a properly augmented 5*. Unstoppable shells seems to completely invalidate the EXP (though unfortunately I don’t have a 5* to test this).

It’s situations like this where I really wish the game were a bit more transparent about it’s mechanics and weapon stats. (I don’t suppose the latter have been datamined anywhere?)

If it was nerfed somehow, than surely accidently by changing the machines, materials or something else.

If somehow someone should have been able to mine those data, it would be forbidden … At least to post them in this forum.

The X-PVG90 has never been nerfed, to my knowledge.

Machines however have been balanced several times over the years as game mechanics evolved.

But some official info on it would be golden.

Be that as it may, the question remains: Is there any reason to use a PVG90 exp over a 5* with Unstoppable Shells?

I’ve heard some very contradictory info on how unstoppable works, specifically whether it lets you hit multiple components in the same machine, or just penetrate huge amounts of cover/other machines.