How to fix BEX64 error

Problem signature:
Problem event name: BEX64
Application name: GenerationZero_F.exe
App version:
The timestamp of the application: 5dd58958
Name of module with error: StackHash_56f5
Version of module with error:
The time stamp module with the error: 00000000
Exception offset: 00000001e7901fd4
Exception code: c0000005
Exception data: 0000000000000008
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1049
More information 1: 56f5
More information 2: 56f50057683cdbfd654c11c2adb3bbee
For more information, 3: 11 e5
More information 4: 11e55f3ceaa742af752d4088e4931316