How to shoot on a bike ... sorta

So, for all y’all who want to shoot while on your bike I have a solution for you! While riding a bike open your inventory and (without crashing the bike) switch your desired weapon into the slot you currently have equipped. once your exit your inventory you will be holding the gun, and you will shoot in the direction the bike is facing. The only drawback (for ps4 and xbox at least) is that the pedal keybindings and the shoot keybindings are the same … So don’t try it with a automatic weapon. (rocket launchers though :thinking:)
So yeah, hope it works (I’ve only tried on ps4 so I can’t confirm for xbox or pc.)


Quite neat if you ask me, but in the long run it’s quite ineffective if engage with any of the machine let alone aiming while on the bike.

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Here’s a video of the feature, pretty cool if you ask me :sunglasses:

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