Hunters go missing on Himfjall Island and other places

PC (Steam)

If you make the Hunters/Runner squad (spawned by Harvesters) run far away from the Harvesters, they’ll just disappear. Even the attacks they use freeze in mid air and will disappear with them. The Ticks they deploy stay.

Can be found anywhere on the map.

Steps To Reproduce:
This can be best observed at F23 Overby Airbase (farmlands), Sandbo (farmlands) and the port next to Osterhallen safehouse over at Himfjall.

Grab a hunting rifle and go to one of these places. Spot the Harvesters and their guards. Stand at a sniping distance and shoot at one the hunters to get their attention.

Once the hunters are on to you, maintain that distance (from the Harvester) and dodge their attacks. Shoot at any hunters that stop to snipe (disarm their guns maybe?). This will get them to come closer.

And once they’re in a close range fight with you, slowly start moving away from the Harvester. You’ll see them disappear when they’re right next to you.

Or just disable all their guns and run backwards facing them while they chase you away from the Harvester.

The thing is, I did not encounter the bug at first by doing this. I was fighting another squad in the forest and they called in these guys. And in the middle of the fight, these guys vanished while doing a blade attack. The Harvester they belonged to was nowhere to be seen or heard.

Players in your game:
Single Player

Ryzen 7 with RTX 3050 running Windows 10

I would like to clarify that this is a problem with the current pc version of the game and not related to beta.