I want an experimental boomerang

How cool would it be if we got an electrified boomerang that, when in close proximity to any and all machines, it shoots out lightning! That would be especially helpful to ticks and hordes of enemies that are attacking each other.

My preference is a phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range personally. :slight_smile:

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Use shock ammo for 9mm (pistole) or 7.62 instead. Even greater when used with exp KVM59.

Or use the flamethrower. My weapon of choice for ticks.

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A boomerang… Gotta be the first time i hear that one :smiley:

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How about a water gun? Water is destructive to machines.

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I want all the bugs, glitched and crash issues fixed, but we don’t always get what we want.


Agreed! So I’m playing this on both XBox and PS4 and have waaaay more issues on XBox than PS4. I also have the physical disk for the PS4 but the XBox I downloaded it. I wonder if there is something to that.

Oh flamethrower for ticks has been a game changer for me!

Isn’t it? :wink: :fire:


Yeah the flamethrower is pretty OP for smaller enemies.