it would be cool to have a robot dog that you can uppgrade and stuff to give a example when you beggin your jorney you are approch by prototype runner that is friendly but is missing a legg an you go out on a quest to find a replacement and after you done that it becomes your friend and helps you on your jorney too finding the truth about the robots and what happend to everybody else.
Its out killing robots and you can uppgrade the dog with a bark attack then it gets uppgraded to haver a pistol on the back and maybe more armor and so on till it becomes a apocolyps class runner.
And i of course i see how the team would have to changemany voice lines but maybe it can be a DLC like the motorbikes and you know it would be a fun little thing to have with you so it dosent become so lonely after you completed the main story. sorry for many grammar mistake and odd writing but you will understand what i wrote atleast.
i wrote seeker instead of runner sorry LOL