Idea for a new boss robot

This would be a new boss that would only spawn for certain missions, like having to defend a resistance home base and stuff like that. It would be called the walker or the strider

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Why does it remind me of an AT-AT?

And your idea does remind me of a mode at a Star Wars Battlefront where you had to stop an AT-AT before it reaches the resistance base.

Yeah it would be kind of like an AT AT, but it would be more of a mobile artillery cannon.

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I think everybody just wants to see gigantic robots ingame xD

Not necessarly.
Although I just play alone most of the times I would like to have an enemy machine that is a challenge for a team of 2 to 4 players.
The reaper is nice from time to time, but it’s just a bullet sponge.

You need some luck to get him in a position where you can hit the shield generators and where you are safe against his attacks… And finally you need some luck that it doesn’t selfdestruct.

A machine that can’t be beat in a single fight would be nice.

Or a machine that requires real teamwork (in multiplayer)… Like if one player needs to shoot the back to disable the front shields (energy moves to the back) and the other players then become able to disable components at the front. As a challenge, not as another sponge to fill with bullets.

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