Idea for another robot

You’re welcome. :blush:

Northern part of the map = Marshlands and North Coast. Marshlands is about 80% forested while North Coast is about 50% forested. And since it would be flying above trees in high speeds, it would be difficult for players to hit it. And for it to fire back at players as well.
Only sufficient open area where it can “come down” is Eastern part of the North Coast. But that part of the map offers almost no cover what-so-ever for the player.

I just figured out another flaw it may have. If given it isn’t completely immune to the damage when it flies over the trees and players, when hitting it, can kill it, then, it would be falling down on the trees and due to it’s sheer size, also get stuck in the trees, high above ground. Making looting it impossible.

The biggest issue of any flying/hovering machine is their size, which limits where they can go.
The current, and only hovering machine is Seeker. Hovering about 2-3m above ground and due to it’s small size, can easily go into forest and fit between the trees. Also, it has no issues navigating urban areas.
But bigger machines, either are completely denied to enter forest/urban areas when they are hovering (since they don’t fit) or getting stuck in forest/urban areas when they are flying and are shot down mid flight. Making them impossible to loot.

Example of the latter:
(it took me some finesse to get on that roof to loot that hunter)

If the gas is lit on fire (e.g 6* AG4 incendiary rounds), does that fire also damage the flying/hovering machine? Or does it turn the gas thrower into flame thrower?


So far, classes define the weaponry and armor machines have. Oh, sensory equipment as well (aka how easily they spot you).

Yes, Reaper is a tank. In it’s core, Reaper is actually military tank. (Further info in it’s digital blueprint. :wink: )

This feature would make it as one of the main bosses (e.g Reaper), rather than common enemy you can randomly come across.

It’s named: Concussion Pulse.
Though, apo tank has different form of it: Wall of Flames.
And Reaper has another form of it, named: Thermobaric Explosion.

Checked your render and it essentially looks like tank’s head, with weapon mount underneath and two fans ontop of it.

I can tell how it can change it’s altitude and maybe even changing it’s roll. But how it’s going to change it’s yaw and pitch? :thinking:

ok, so wherever you think would be best in the map for it to be, im not sure where to put it, id maybe say the farmlands, around there.

so maybe avoid the class system and it could be an alternate reaper? maybe one or the other could spawn depending on the region that it spawns

There is a helicopter motor on top of the axle, which would go down to an electronic differential that would slow down one axle allowing roll, they can turn fowards, backwards, sideways, slow down or speed up. its essentially a helicopter but without the rudder.

From the differential, an axle will go down to each fan and inside the ball socket it has a U joint. When the fan moves the u joint can also rotate freely and continue to spin at any given angle, whatever the fan is doing

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Farmlands is early-game region, just after Archipelago in terms of difficulty. So, if it is going to spawn in there, it should have some serious spawning requirements (e.g Reaper won’t spawn until region level is 21 or more).

And given it’s boxy, non-aerodynamic shape, it’s hard for me to see how it could travel in fast speeds. It could slowly hover above ground, sure. But not as high to hover above buildings. Since like i described above, if it would be shot down when it’s directly above the building, it can get stuck on the roof.

Some great ideas in here. I’m moving this to #feedback-feature-requests
Not sure why I didn’t do this earlier :thinking:


It can only spawn in a region level 21 or over, no other classes, it will essentailly be the reaper but without legs. If the region is relatively flat and open it will spawn in those regions, and if not, you get the regular reaper. If the devs could implement a deadzone thing where a barrier is above all buildings and trees, so it will not fly oveer them or through them. there could be a danger zone where it knows what its about to fly into so it could prematurely alter its course. if inertia drags it towards the top of something as it dies, maybe it could spin out of control, and then land.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Please add a new machine - a bigger one!

Iam down but iam working on a large project scene rn

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What modling software did u use

i used blender, i might be able to give you a model

it would be helicopter sized, smaller than a tank, about the size of a semi truck

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cool but not mine ofc, it whould be the same size as the other fighter jets

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and mine whoulnt hover, it whould fly like a normal aircraft making it harder to destroy making you either to retreat or to find some anti air. if it hovers then it whould be just like any other game where you encounter something like this. A jet whould make diffrent attacks and they whould making it a possible for the machines to vin the fight. A hovering object whould be easy, just take cover and shoot for 10 min.

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it would actually be more like a drone it can move around pretty fast and can fly pretty high

Oooo perfect how long have u used blender

not too long. im not good at making scenes and im ok at modeling, everything happened to look good here. ive had it for maybe two years but i used it more for visuals and compositing over my music videos which is usually chaotic and indecypherable, i watched a ton of tutorials trying to take little details out of them, i started with the blender donut tutorials and i learned a lot from that. its a good start if you want to do that stuff

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Ur realy good and ur modling skills are awsome

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thanks. and i never noticed there is a 20 character minimum for the forum

A flying enemy feels like an obvious inclusion. Considering that the vehicles already in the game have a somewhat grounded 80’s appearance, I think it could/should look like either modified versions of aircraft which were already in use in Sweden or like helicopter designs which were tested at the time. My suggestion is:

Hkp 9
In real life it was a german helicopter modified with domestically developed radar and antitank missiles. The robot version wouldn’t need to seat humans, thus the fuselage could be made much smaller. Perhaps the fuselage might be no taller than the tail boom. The missiles would of course be raised to a suitable position and it might also be equipped with a nose-mounted turret.
Some might carry a pod from which it can drop runners.

IRL a trainer used by the Swedish Air Force, which was later modified to carry out light attack missions using either gun pods, rockets or missiles. In-game it doesn’t need a cockpit to fit a crew and could thus be made more aerodynamic. With plenty of interior space freed up, the plane now carries its weapons internally. Depending on version, this weapon can either be the same 90mm auto-canon that’s found in the strv 103 or laser-guided bombs.

D-21/Draken crossover
The US used drones as early as the 60’s, albeit only for reconnaissance. FNIX could have something visually similar, only with a silhouette more reminiscent of the J35 Draken. Armament could be similar to what I wrote about the SK60B.

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so a more helicopter approach is what you are suggesting?

Helicopter or airplane doesn’t matter, I showed ideas for both.
But my guess is that helicopters would be easier to implement as programming a plane to do strafing runs can be much more of a faff than just programming a chopper to hover above the tallest thing in the area and aim a nose turret in the players general direction.

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