Would a (hypothetical) implementation of Grenade launcher attachment for Assault Rifles make them fun to use, or Too Over powered? Let’s talk about it.
Interesting idea.
But there are a few “problems” to solve.
1. Is a new category of attachments needed for underbarrel grenade launchers? I would say: yes, it is.
It would be strange if they would share the slot with longer barrels, compressors and silencers. On the other hand it would be good if you’re forced to choose between a silencer and a grenade launcher as attachment, because a single weapon indeed could get too overpowered.
2. How should it be possible to switch to the grenade launcher?
You could use dpad right for switching ammo. By this you need to reload the grenades every time you want to use the attached launcher. For different types of grenades you have to toggle through all of your carried ammo types until you find the one you want to use.
After shooting one grenade, if you want to switch to 7,62 ammo (i. e.) you have to do this again.
That’s really time consuming, isn’t it?
So is it worth switching to grenades?
Otherwise there would have to be a new mechanic.
Underbarrel grenade launchers have separate triggers, and if ever this will be introduced to GZ that is the way it should be. Switching grenade types also shouldbe separated… The more I think about it the more sceptic I am that we will ever see any underbarrel grenade launcher
Yes, indeed. It should be useful and give you a little benefit to have two weapons in one.
But the way GZ is designed, it is hard to make it good and senseful.
A Call of Duty for example doesn’t have this problem, because you don’t have as many different ammo types. There would just be bullets or grenades.
But in GZ there could be AP and FMJ ammo, about three experimental ammo types plus then for example three types of grenades (HE, Smoke, EMP).
Now image you’re carrying all types of ammo and want to switch from AP bullets to EMP grenades. (press dpad right 7 seven times, then wait for loading a grenade, as any ammo switch forces a reload, shoot a grenade and press dpad once to switch back to AP bullets)
Another solution could be, that a rifle with attached grenade launcher could have an own entry for a weapon-wheel slot. But then the advantage of having to weapons in one would be (almost, depends on the grenade launchers weight) gone.
Oh, almost forgot the possibly best solution.
You could use dpad left for switching weapon-mode to change to grenade launcher.
Depending on the used weapon it could be like this:
Press dpad left three times (from automatic to salvo to singleshot to grenade launcher) and then two times dpad right to switch from HE to Smoke to EMP.
For hunting rifles it was possible to screw on a shooting cup like the K98 k rifle, only how long the range should be/is remains questionable and what ammunition would be necessary there.