I'm mourning for the NERFing of Normyra!

Ok…it really is weird, i have not played much after the update, but it might really be the algorithm :confused:
Have you tried a new game for some hours ? Does the same ammo problems persist?

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No! In the Real World there are amouries in bases and once you have found the key they are packed with enough ammo for a battalion - an actual battalion!


Always! My ammo state is a standing joke with the Regulars! Endless laughs…

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Weird, the ammo containers were full of ammo for me when I was there recently. They do spawn at different locations though, it may be worth going back in a while and see if you fare better.

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Give me my Normyra back! It used to be an actual pleasure…

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I was thinking it could be a save problem (i have found some).
If you were a ps4 player i would give you 7.62 and 50.Cal ammo.
I can only hope you find “new” ammo spawns, with so many enemies and weapons i can understand it is quite frustrating to have almost no ammo.
In the following week i will make my own investigation about ammo spawns.
Good "scavenging " @Bootie :wink: .

Note: Looks like you finally have found the Hard mode , few weapons and almost no ammo, no allies and not even a “pause” menu,a real war against machines when all military bases have no more ammo after “10 months of fighting” (since the game came out).


I have been told like a million times that GZ and real world sadly do not fit in the same sentence…
This is one of those things I guess.

Thank you for the offer, m’dear, but I’d only run out again. It’s only ever a temporary solution, and with Normyra I didn’t need one. Give it back, DEVs!

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Or at least, open up the bunker complex below, for more loot opportunities. Eh? EH? :slight_smile:

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I just looted the entire Norrmyra facility (above ground only) with a toon with salvage maxed (of course), and I got at least:
5 full stacks of 9mm SMG ammo (~120 rounds AP)
4 full stacks of 5.56mm ammo (~120 rounds AP)
2 full stacks of .270mm ammo
A ton of medkits…

I’m not sure how that’s any worse than before. Also I didn’t register any ammo boxes missing that I’m aware of. Now I didn’t go with my toon that uses 7.62mm, so can’t say if there’s a difference there.

Now you’re playing my tune!!! I took the opportunity to examine every inch in case there was something we’d missed, but no luck…

I’ve also memorized all loot boxes/bags locs at Normyrra in my game. I’ll go and check them out to see if there is any change (either global that affects everybody or local that affects only you).


Well, I’m willing to go back and check, but I know it so well. And you didn’t get anything that I use! Okay, AP SMG I use. I got maybe two stacks of 7.62 and a stack of .50 cal. It’s normally twice that at least if you go everywhere on the surface, and half the boxes were missing.

How does anyone get hold of those? Don’t they belong to Apex?

Well, give me another example, then. Suppose we talk about some random game, just released. How does someone even get the tools?

AFAIK, they make them themselves.

As OGDH says… So let’s leave it at that - vvvvv


:face_with_monocle: :sunglasses: :rofl:

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You’re right, it’s in the EULA. It’s a subject we don’t discuss here on the forums.

19. Prohibited use

Use of your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game, its environment or change how the Game is played or services used;

You may not modify any part of the Game, or Clients, Servers etc;

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