First: I love this game. The setting and the atmosphere is amazing.
I also love how the dev. team is constantly working to improve the game.
The only real issue I have with the game, and the one thing I would love to see improved is the inventory, mainly the ammo stacking. I have actually stopped playing the game for now, in hope that this will be fixed soon, so that I then can fully enjoy the game. I’ll explain:
When playing the game you really feel the need to loot all the ammo you can find, and you obviously don’t leave any backpack slots empty. Now you all know that in order to loot an ammo box, with a full inventory, you first have to stop, empty 3-4 inv. slots on the ground, pick up the new ammo, pick up your old ammo 1 by 1 and manually stack them! This takes up an INSANE amount of time, it knocks the game’s pacing out of balance, and it becomes more and more annoying as the game progresses!
It should be as simple as: Open loot container - select loot/loot all - (automatically refill current stacks) - DONE, move on!
Also, when adding ammo to your weapon, it should just refill the ammo stack that’s already in it, not swap that stack back to the inventory.
I can’t believe I’m the only one bothered by this?
Please fix this! I love this game, and this issue keeps me from playing it any further.
I didn’t get used to it at all. I thought and hoped this would be addressed as a major issue and fixed quickly, and then I would soon go back to enjoying the game.
I can understand that people stealing your stuff is also a problem. I have only played single.
Don’t you agree that you would save a lot of time if the stacking was automatic?
It just creates tons of unnecessary pauses in the gameplay. The dev’s must surely know this, and hopefully they didn’t intend for players to waste so much time on this?
It takes me three or four minutes every time. I only have three lines of storage, so I am full all the time. I have to drop two things every time to make space. 1 slot is for what I pick up. the second slot is for taking that same thing off the weapon. I then add what I have picked up to what was on the weapon, and replace it on the weapon. Then when I move to the weapon, I have to reload it. Looting a fruitful house takes me the best part of half an hour.
By the time I’ve gone round the whole house and environs, more often than not, I forget to pick up the bag I dropped (it was after all, half an hour ago)! sigh
I got used to the crappy inventory system as well, but it’s still terrible and needs to be fixed. But I wouldn’t hold my breath to see that change being implemented any time soon.
This definitely is a HUGE problem. Ammo and other items also need to stack into a D-pad slot if they are assigned there. It is unbelievable the amount of time and button presses it takes to manage your inventory. I’m actually getting tendonitis in my thumbs from it. Really takes the fun out of the game.