Food and Water, Hunger and Thirst (Basic)

Nice game. I love the look and feel of the guns. Yes on food/water. I finally settled on this game after desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel for new survival games. The Long Dark has the best severe challenge, 7 Days to Die best building imo. BUT… here is an easier add.

Sleeping. It doesn’t even need to have a function besides changing the time of day. It feels good to have a reset to home base or tuck yourself in and put a puncutation mark on the day. Healing in whole or part would make sense.

Mainly, I think the “empty world” despondency is usually remedied by having more “loops” of activity that will drive the write-your-own-story type of thing. That is the beauty of the hunger mechanic or body core temp mechanic thing. It generates its own content instead of DLC packs of new weapons and robots which the developers have to crank out.

Overall, one feature already included that also solves the problem of “spontaneous story-telling” is multplayer, but my buddies are unavailable for this one so it’s on me I can’t use the game as intended.

Keep up the good work Avalanche however this thread ends up.

IF it was optional, it would not bother me. Optional features are great. I’ve just been burned too often by the “fans” wanting games to be harder or different (No Man’s Sky for example), and butchering what the game was when it started and changing the look/feel/function of the entire experience.

Optional is great and I’d have zero issue with that.

Hey everyone! Since this is a long running and somewhat popular thread, I would like to provide a simple update for anyone who is interested. In the latest GZ stream last Wednesday, Graham yet again was asked about adding these types of elements to the game (hunger, thirst, etc). Once again Graham repeated that these elements are found in survival genre games, and that GZ is not a survival type game :slight_smile: I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the current status of this idea (which is that it does not apply to this game as of right now).

Thanks everyone for participating in this thread, and thank you for supporting the GZ community!

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I believe he also said that if they did ever add it, it would be in a separate mode so it would be optional.

That is true, he mentioned this idea on multiple topics brought up in the stream. I wonder if a new ‘mode’ is something that they are considering? That would be pretty cool :slight_smile: but, that’s for a different post. off topic

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I say no. The game doesn’t need this feature. At least not now, in the state the game is in.
The pacing of the game is already out of balance due to the clunky inventory and looting system.

We don’t need more looting until the looting is fixed!

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At first when I started playing this game I missed this feature too, but later it has dawned on me, why loot for food? The entire island group is emptied of other non robotic life. There is food everywhere.
For example, enter any military building and you’ll find shelf after shelf with “guldburkar”, swedish standard military rations at the time.
As it is in a coastal region, fresh water could be an issue. But seeing all stores and cafes around, I would guess that you could find drinks there.

As there is no shortage of food and drinks, I don’t see the meaning of having this feature.

Just my 2 cents…:wink:



A FPS-game is not about eating…
Besides, the food and water would take up slots in your inventory.

Food and water would make it feel more like a survival game, it would be pretty easy to do and will add to the loot variety and you can add perks to not go hungry as fast.

I think I’d be a nice and fairly easy thing to add just don’t make it tio crazy and force people to eat or drink too often.


Err the same way other games allow you to change the difficulty…

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There are SOO many survival/grind fest games out there. Please don’t turn Gen Zero in to one of those. I never understand the draw to running around a game for hours looking for berries or hunting a rabbit so I have enough energy to hunt something bigger, to hunt something bigger to then get back to playing the actual main part of the game.

I think the biggest 3 draws to Gen Zero are:

  • Beautiful world to explore.
  • Hunting Robots
  • Doing this all online, co-op with friends.

There are other survival games out there. Let this game be what it is.


And the fact that everyone left in a hurry all stores and houses are full och food. And water is not a problem. So no need to scavenge for food and water. And there for no need to add hunger and thirst.

Totally Agree. Gen0 is about hunting machines - not rabbits! =)

Well robots need Gas. Why can’t we do food and water as a booster. I don’t understand the handful that say it doesn’t fit the scenario. It’s already half a survival game. I’ve completed the game 100% minus fashionistas trophy bug. I want a replay system. Kinda bored mindless shooting bots only. Game is gorgeous. Guns affects are amazing. Bots looks so fresh. Yet I’m bored. I want to create havoc and feel like I’m barely surviving. Playing solo is just been too easy. And I ran through this game so fast because I was on an exciting trip.

I keep seeing people say certain things that doesn’t make sense to me. Food and water doesn’t work. It’s every where. But your not always near a house. 85-90% of the map is nature. I’d like to see houses have more dense population of bots keeping you from Habitat. What is a habitat, but a place that supports shelter, food and water.

Guns too. I keep seeing these guns don’t make sense cause they’re only weak teens. Well my toon is holding over 2-3 thousand rounds of ammo, 3 guns, and trap items. I don’t know any man that can hold that.

The game displays realism. We the few or maybe many. We aren’t asking for toilets and paper. Spoons and forks. Just something to aid us a little more like boosters and more game play opportunities.

I’d love to see this and mechanical building added. I want to deconstruct a hunter in a military bunker and make a exo suit that I can swap weapons. Rebuild damage parts… like what was done in dying light dlc the following. And I hear a negative on this as well. I know a few like myself that are mechanics and I also knew a few as a teen that worked on guns even though I don’t do it as a career as a gun mechanic

In that case, they have to remove fast travel as well. No point hunting for Bambi if I can get lappskojs or ärtsoppa in a can by fast travelling to a military complex.
I think this is an excellent exploration- shooting game. And I would rather see the good people at avalanche build on that and expand the story further.


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Your absolutely right on a very obvious sense. No reason to hunt with food here and there in cans. Fast travel isn’t really a necessity for the game isn’t that large. As primarily a solo player I’ve hardly used it myself. Just to get the collectibles after I beat the game. Prior patches I’ve joined in on games with random hosts and I was spawned in the first area so I used it to get to my original location to do side missions on completing a trophy. I support what ever the devs decide but that doesn’t go with out adding to opinion or debate for good sake. I’ve taken my second break myself and I’m on No mans sky waiting for this months patch. I don’t want to spoil it Story wise but it almost seemed to me that this just a step stone in the story. I gather it’s just the beginning for everything.

Please just DON’T add this feature to Generation Zero!

I strongly recommend “The Long Dark” if this is what you want from a game!


Agree. And that’s what I don’t get. There are games that are already what people are asking for. There are fewer and fewer “non-survival” or battle royale games, however. Let’s keep this sucker what it is!

it has been said during a stream or two that if it was ever added, it would be a separate optional game mode

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