Increase the height of fall damage

I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems like you barely have to fall off a small height to inflict a decent amount of fall damage. I feel that height before you obtain damage from the fall should be increased slightly, or the amount of damage you take from say, jumping over a balcony railing, which yes I’m sure would hurt in real life, but I’m sure you’d cushion the fall, possibly roll out of it, that fall damage should only be like maybe 5 points. But you take quite a bit of damage from really seemingly small falls which just wastes med packs that you hardly have to begin with… I dunno, I’m more just comparing it to other games, where you don’t take fall damage this easily. And I feel like in this one you could get it just jumping off something that’s 6 feet high…

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I’ve already personally submitted a change to the way fall damage is calculated to the devs directly :slight_smile: My suggestion is pretty much the same as yours. Since this makes total sense, I don’t see why they wouldn’t change it

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