Increasing player and structure inventory weight

I would not like the option to auto-heal/revive and I also prefer the task of manually sorting my inventory and recycling items or storing them in the Recycle Bench. However, that helps me to see your point. :thinking:

Iā€™ve just checked and I actually have 160 (40 kg) of HEDP ammo in my Storage. Thatā€™s 10% of the total storageā€¦ Well, that kind of explains some of my storage issue. If those did more damage I might not feel the need to keep so many, but when used I typically use 3 to 5 and then finish them off with a rifle. Only problem is I canā€™t seem to aim the rockets very well on console. That little peep-hole sight isnā€™t the best for aiming. As far as other ammo goes I have around 1400 of the 7.63mm FMJ and 9mm FMJ SMG ammo and most of the others are less than 500.

Oh yea, I also have around 12000 Explosive in my Recycle Station, which totals around 124 kg. Thatā€™s quite a chunk out of 500 kg, so I guess Iā€™ll get rid of some to make a bit of room. I did collect and recycle quite a bit of ammo for guns Iā€™m not currently using. :innocent:

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Thatā€™s a lot.
I hoarded more of them in the past, too.
They were hard to get, it depended very much on luckā€¦ Or how much you craft.

Now you get so many. From Tanks, Wolves, firebirds, sometimes harvesters, Hunters, rocketrunners, Lynxā€¦ They all may carry rockets. Itā€™s insane.

Additionally I must say that I donā€™t use them very often, especially rarely against single targets. Large groups are nice to hit, but in general I just use them as artillery for destroying the most important edges of a base to get quickly to the generators and to destroy remaining turrets quickly.

So I carry with me in general about 20 to 40 rockets. If I got too many by loot, I move some to the companion and finally to the plundra. Additionally a hand full of EMP rockets can help a lot against firebirds.
In good times I have up to about 80 rockets split to my backback, the companion and the plundra.

Other ammo:
About 3000 rounds 7.62 in backpack and in plundra, 1000 rounds of .50 cal, most in plundra, a few hundreds in backpack (both in total, normal and experimental rounds), about 500 for flamethrower in backpack and plundra (against ticks), a few hundreds of 9mm pistol shock ammo, about 50 rounds of .44, .270 and 12g birdshotā€¦ And thatā€™s it.

If I want to use other weapons I craft some ammo and then pick up all I can find for it.
In most cases I find more than I need.

Wow! This took off after I went to work!

Inventory even for the ā€œVetsā€ is always a balancing act. That includes what they carry, store, recycle and craft. Not always in that order. Different battles require different resources and ammo, but so does the region the battle is in. They know what is in the loot pretty much by location. And so they swap out different weapons that use different ammo. Need to restock a type of ammo, change the hunt to a different region. Ammo is one of the easiest things to keep stock up on if you keep changing weapons. One reason they learn to play that way is there wasnā€™t a loot everywhere and there was no crafting of all the stuff like now.

About crafting and what to stock up on in recycling:
It has been a long time since I have not had schematics to everything, so I may be wrong on some things.
If you are running out of stuff while you hunt, then go to your crafting station and see what it takes to craft those things. I think, even if you donā€™t have the schematics, it still shows what it takes to craft and how much you get when you craft it. If it doesnā€™t show you an amount then crafting it is one at a time. But you also need to look at what apparel will cost to craft and keep that stuff on hand too. What you keep in the recycling station will be decided on what you want to craft. Keeping in mind that you only have to craft clothes once.

Schematics, That has changed. Once it was destroy rivals RNG a schematic maybe and its not one you already have so you collected it, but they donā€™t weight anything. Was hard to keep track of what you had and needed.

Now you craft stuff, get schematic points that you can just buy them, crazy! Reason to learn to craft. Crafting is an easy way to reduce what is in the recycle station and what you are carrying.

Once you start paying attention to what you need to empty your recycling station (Crafting), then you become more selective of what you loot. In co-op you share destroying machines, so use less ammo and resources so you take in more loot, just be selective. Use switching to different weapons to keep track of your ammo you carry. Ammo you carry is getting low, switch to a different weapon that uses a different type ammo. A vet would then jump to a region that the RNG favors the type of resources needed to restock. Also, if you find a source for one thing like advance first aid kits, then you can reduce the resources you store to craft them.

It is a great game with a lot of strategies that players use to make it fun for them. Because you NEED to find so many things to become a ā€œVETā€ it does take time to develop your own strategy. For Gen Zero, you need a lot od them and change them even more.

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