Inside the post office

I’ve managed to get up and inside the upper floor of the post office. I used the Granatgevär to get there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sadly you can’t open the door :frowning_face:


Schhh, don’t tell anybody. They haven’t opened up that part of the game yet :wink:


As far as exploits go, this one barely counts so don’t worry :slight_smile: There’s another house like this one… Eh, I can’t recall where it was but I remember there being a large cliff behind it you could use to just walk down onto the balcony. If I come across it I can post it here.

It’s not really safe anyway, with only one exit you’re screwed if a Tank or Hunters chase you down.

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An unsafe house maybe?

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I have at least quenched the curiosity to know what’s inside.
I wonder if there is going to be something there in the feature :thinking:

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It is in Fiskebäk just opposite the bench with a map and a stash. Yes, you can pretty much walk in.