Interacting while aiming in combat QoL feature request (all platforms)

Yes, but that’s the same game. :thinking:

This bug is totally annoying ! :rage: I first noticed it yesterday while shooting through open doors in a barn. I nearly fell out of the door when my scoped aiming suddenly went back to normal sight and then back again because I lost track for a moment.
Today I retried and found the cause, the “E” interact to open/close the doors if you happen to hover over it while being in scoped aiming. That’s totally horrible and sometimes it feels like being drunk if your chosen state of vision is torn away from your eyes and then brought back again. That may cause nausea for people which tend to react sensible on such behaviour.

Imho that’s no QoL thing but a severe bug as it never happened before the last update and it’s gamebreaking for some fighting styles like in barns or houses near or behind doors or taking cover behind cars etc. that have any “E” interaction spots.

My 2 ct


It noticed it by myself today, too.
Either it’s new, or I just had luck until now.

It is indeed very annoying, if it happens.

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Heres an oddity for all of you.

I am constantly using dead bodys and doors and such as cover to the point where i should be having this issue.

Not sure if its been fixed but looking at the latest posts about it suggests it hasn’t.

However i have not once had this issue. Hide behind interactible using it for cover open or close door bleed off about half a mag dip into full cover reload rinse repeat some times dropping sights manually just to interact reload interact again and open fire. Sometimes looting said corpse while reloading. I have never run into it once been playing about a week now.