Is there a new DLC coming?

The dev’s just released a tweet on twitter with a picture you people should check it out. Any thoughts on the new content possibly coming? Hoping we get new enemies :crossed_fingers:

One word - crafting.


Oh i am very stupid :joy::joy:

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Here is the Tweet link:



Crafting sounds pretty awesome to me. I hope there is a reason we need to craft things. Like a different machine type, an area without much much to loot.

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It could even be “simple” things that might just change the game meta like molotov cocktails .

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This is going to be very epic! :slight_smile:

I assume it would be things like crafting sticky flares with duct tape, or maybe it could be a huge amount of new weapon customization. :thinking:

Regardless I’ll probably be absolutely ecstatic with they update this.


In the beginning, crafting were designed to make weapon attachments. Currently wondering if the initial idea remained or something else comes from crafting.

Though, i’m indifferent about crafting since i’m concerned that the new update with new feature(s) decreases game stability and the hard crashes come back. :fearful:


I agree with @Aesyle and hope the stability doesn’t suffer. I’m a bit worried about the balance in general since the experimental weapons (which are hard (== not) to find nowadays) changed the difficulty of the regular gameplay to “way too easy” :sweat_smile:

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I also hope the changes do not produce new crashes…the game is running fine…sometimes the FPS drop but that´s about it…not one single crash since February.

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By the looks of it, we are getting Apparel Crafting Station.


What i can make out that blurred image;

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I’ve sharpened it a bit:

@tene made quite good video (as usual :wink: ) with his analysis.


Ah dude i thought that was a 24 for the plastic, jeez think of how much plastic it will take for a five crown or six crown blueprint? :cold_sweat: The grind is about to get real ladies and gentlemen

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looks like we might be getting some things teased in the tutorial from a year ago.

pics from old tutorial


Well, it would make sense that devs want to bring all initial ideas to the game. Why crafting, bounty missions etc didn’t get finalized by the launch time - that i don’t know. Though, it’s still nice to see devs working on their ideas and making them happen.

Perhaps, one day, we also get the (daily) bounty missions in the game. :slightly_smiling_face:


I took a look at the picture, I’m guessing we will get buffs to 5% per piece of clothing, which is pretty good taking into account the amount of clothing you can put on.

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I just hope we can craft stuff we havent seen before. Dont see much point in crafting if its the same stuff we find all over the map.

And i hope its not only clothes…



If it is mainly clothes crafting I’m sure it’s just the beginning and there will be more added later. I’m sure they don’t want to affect the stability of the game, baby steps.