Is there a way to reset/delete the contents of the Plundra?

My Plundra is filled 7 times over with 3* dlc items (weight of 1450), and because of this literally unuseable. Does anyone know where the Plundra-content is saved so I can just delete it?
Oh, and everytime I a enter a safehouse and new batch of DLC items manifests inside of my Plundra…

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The contents of the Plundra stash are tied to your save. You will have to remove the items you don’t want and either scrap them at a workbench, or just drop them on the ground.

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If I tried to manually remove everything it would take hours, and I’d still have the problem that everytime I enter a safehouse a new batch of Kotenocs, ATWADs, N16s and more arrives and clutters my box.

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Okay, that does indeed sound odd. Allow me to test a theory; are you using an older save?
I’ve seen certain issues with DLC weapons & attachments multiplying in the Plundra in such cases before. It messes it up somehow.

Edit: Moving to #bug-reports.

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Hm, i think I bought the second US pack after I started my current playthrough, so that could be the issue. Thanks.

Try it with another and/or fresh save and see if it helps :+1:

make a new character, take every item, delete that character

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