Is this normal?

when i started the game i started on gurilla cause well go hard or go home.
the first region where you start was what i have come to understand to be pretty normal in terms of numbers of toasters 4 runners on average sometimes 8 sometimes when seekers get involved more

then i left the island region and moved on to the farmlands thats when things started getting “intresting”

an average of 14 hunters or 20 runners per fight. then i had the most epic of battles i stopped counting at 26 hunters 62 runners(it got so bad i started aiming at groups with the 84mm)

i see groups of no smaller then 8 runners and 8 hunters or 6 runners with 4 hunters when they are mixed
but this is only in the wilds if i am going after on mission toasters i start seeing numbers relitive to what i was seeing in the islands

from everything i have seen i have bearly gotten into the game and i am already level 18 just going after my 3rd warboard bunker now and have not really even worked much on the second yet

it has actually gotten to such a point that i had to drop dificulty down to adventure just to maintain supplys to bring down everything that comes after me.

thats not to mention the 6 tanks and 2 harvesters with all their entourage(i never actually bothered counting the numbers of hunters or runners) when i left the camp safe house headding north as i just entered the farmlands region. this was what i first encounted my first time entering the region the battle took place at aproximitly -163 by 1868

oh and for reference that epic battle with 26+ hunters and 62+ hunters that was at 2428 by -1257

on average i take on 3 tanks at a time there have been very few places i have seen fewer then that are actually easy to note 1 being 2 tanks at iga
the most common time i see fewer tanks is when one of those tanks is a rival

this is not including my encounters with the wolfs and their toasters on balls thats a whole nother can of worms
my first encounter with a wolf soldier class was a rival level 4 i did my research on them as i had seen them going at it with the other toasters and getting stomped learned they have a nanohealing thing where fish would normally have gills i go running at it unload everything i had at where the nanohealing thing was and its still standing taunting me as i run out of ammo pull out the binocs tech view the thing still have the nano healing system intact and its sitting at 100% i had completely ignored the toasters on balls running around it. this wolf took 26 84mm rounds 22 RLG and 1000 7.62 from an N60 3c then it sat there for a moment mocked me and killed me

is any of this actually normal or is my population of toasters over the top?

seems pretty normal maybe you should try stealth instead of shooting every bot you see save your ammo

that is with stealth … often times there is just so many the only option is threw

I think the higher difficulty also makes more enemies spawn, personally, Skirmish is a great difficulty, and I think the most balanced, its tough but not over the top
Though in some areas the fights are often like that

the only thing difficulty changes is machine health and bullet damage


It also affects loot.

Regarding to this post it doesn’t :

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Loot from machines. But that found in the world is a different story in my opinion.

I made a test a while back where I started fresh once in Adventure and once in Guerilla. I just travelled from Yttervik to Salthamn bunker and collected loot along the road and in buildings. I avoided fights as much as possible and the difference in amount and diversity in loot was quite significant. But this was a while back. Maybe it changed, maybe it didn’t.

Finally a fellow shoot-everything-that-walks!

Yes i do tend to try and kill ever toaster i see. I don’t run from fights. But their numbers have only gotten more overwhelming.

Now at respawn there is 15 tanks/harvesters in that feild thays just north east of the first safe house after you leave the achapeligo(i am sure i spelled that wrong) and 30 tanks/harvisters in each of the cardinal directions from ringfort(north south east west) and thats not even including the entourage of hunters and runners.

Taking down a base solo takes 6k rounds 9mm smg + looted ammo of 9mmsmg 84mm and 7.62 the last one i did i actually ran out of ammo and had to pitchfork the central peice. For reference i destroy every spawner i find and 4 sheild generators. I also don’t waste much ammo with missing. My next run at a base i am bringing an empty shotgun considering i walked away with 1000 shells and left a large amount behind.

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I normally just see how far I can get with the PVG90 and the N9

6c pvg or 5c?

Also running around on my map with an N9 5c is a death sentence. You need something heavy hitting and fast pvg works nice cause of range.

ok my loadout:

  1. 25 advanced medkits
  2. 6c PVG-90
  3. 5c N9 with 5c Extended
  4. 4c Moller with 5c Extended
  5. 45 standard medkits
  6. Binoculars w/ IR/OPV module
  7. 6c KVM-59
  8. Either a 5c N60 or a 5c Sjoqvist

I am jealous. I want your pvg.

My loadout as of currently.

  1. Kpist 6c rd 3c silencer 3c mag 2c 2000-5000 rounds carry
  2. AL 5c rd 2c silencer 5c mag 5c zero rounds carry(use only picked up and for out of ammo situations)
  3. Pitchfork 5c oh how i love it
  4. Binocs with full vision module
  5. Pvg 5c ir/opv vision module mag 3c 8-16 scope 5c
  6. RLG 4c ir/opv vision module 2.7 scope 4c 20 rounds carry
  7. Standard first aid kit 60-100 carry
  8. Granatgevar m/49 5c zero rounds carry(use what i can pick up in the field)

My smg is a godsend and my go to weapon

Before i got the 6c smg i used a g4 with a 1-4 scope

What platform? I’d gladly take a 5c PVG

Im on Xbox just in case

sry bout the like, I just want the achievement lol

Playstation is the platform i am on

Bruh cross platform when

I will get one eventually