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@AliasDJA New machine types are always good for the game Evolution.
Having an Experimental Melee weapons makes sense, what indeed made not much sense was the introduction of Melee weapons in a game where you fight machines and not Zombies or Mutants.
The problem indeed as you stated, is that the game still needs a lot of polishing , as you, I and others said, they need a LOT more of testers, more devs, and to not release updates when they have not been well tested (April, August, September…).
They usually finish their Ships when they are missing components…and then they usually malfunction or sink and it´s a pandemonium.

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Was really the name “Reaper” something the community came up with? I seem to recall someone dug around some files on the PC version and that name popped up? I might be mistaken.

As for the exp sledgehammer. Sigh…



Yes sir, I think sir Tenebris came up with it, but I am not sure.

I think I remember now, Tenebris mentioned that someone dug around on the PC files and found the REAPER name there.
This was back on November 2019.

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Yeah i think someone on reddit found it… Should be simple enough to locate that video but i dont care enough to do it myself. It really doesnt matter anyway.

I just hope to god that once that thing is killed it doesnt give you a experimental bat that has electrified spikes or something equally silly.


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That is sadly how it sometimes begins, when someone throws all sense of discretion and respect for the developers out the window just to garner attention. Which is why we don’t encourage the act of datamining, for example.

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But if you see the Positive side, it might bring more Hope and Happiness for the costumers of the game, knowing new machines, new things will come later? I was very happy when I heard the “gossip” about this, as well about an Apoc Harvester, the same about the “forbidden map” it was very useful to find unreachable collectibles.
I don´t really see the big problem , I think worst is people using Pirated copies of the game, that is just disrespect for the people that worked hard making the game.
That is just my opinion, in the end it depends of what the goal is, it might prejudice the game or not.

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The problem is; the developers of the game do not want people to do this. It builds up false expectations, puts in jeopardy what they attempt to build before they can announce it for themselves and puts uncertainty into the future of the game.

You’re exploiting intellectual property, despite being explicitly told not to. You agree to the EULA when you aquire the product, then ignore it anyway. There are no positive sides to that.


Sir @Zesiir
Isn’t there a way to encrypt files, sir?
I fear that might be the only way to somewhat secure data… :frowning:

Eh, perhaps. But there’ll always be some way to get access to files like that, sadly. Of course, some devs don’t mind that stuff. But it’s up to them what they are willing to share with their fanbase.

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Merely thinking out loud, sir…
I find it disrespectful to mine data.

Especially when asked not to do!

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Well, if there was ever a video how to not showcase a new addition to a game…

That was it.

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