Antarctic Jacket Texture not loading and Black Screen w/ Audio

This is just odd. My character’s jacket texture isn’t loading in the character select screen, leading to his arms and shoulders being entirely invisible. The texture had been loading just fine prior to my purchasing the game (I was using the free weekend trial) and opening it this morning. Now, when I load into the game as that character, I have no hud at all, no key functionality, no visuals, but somehow I can still hear flames to my left and music in the background. Yes, I tried turning on my flashlight and yes, I’ve relaunched the game, restarted my pc, and verified the integrity of my game files. I have not uninstalled-reinstalled because I have not found any information about character progression being conserved after a reinstall.

Sounds like it’s related to the Antarctic jacket bug that was discovered recently. Main thread’s here, the issue’s been acknowledged by the devs so hopefully we’ll see a fix soon! :slight_smile:

Hello @Praedyth! :wave:

This sounds like it could possibly be the issue that @Zesiir linked, or at least connected to it.

IF that is the case try this workaround:

Hope that helps! Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Worked perfectly! Thank you!