Januari Hotfix Summary of bugs and wishes to be looked at

As for the missing 2 companion paint jobs, maybe there are only 12 new ones to find, and was the announcement of 14 a mistake.

There is also something going on with the UI for the Mopeds:

I don’t know how to reproduce this, but after some time of playing the game, interacting with a Moped will show the cyan box instead of the repair kit or gas can and display ‘10/100’ instead of ‘100/100’. This did not happen before the last update.

Also I am under the impression that the longer you’re playing, the more something is deteriorating in the game. After some time of playing, the splash screens for the weapons you picked up stop showing and so on.

I am also fairly sure that two Hunters that I was fighting on the airfaild disappeared again right before my eyes.

Also the filters in the inventory still do not work correctly. E.g. even if have set my filter to ‘chronological’ in the workbench, it will start with ‘alphabetical’. Recycling a weapon the will set it ‘chronological’ correctly. And while I do appreciate that we now have the filter for ‘suitable weapons’ back in the Plundra and FMTel Reward Trunk, I cannot choose a weapon after selecting this filter. The FMTel Reward Trunk also is still missing the filter for Resources.

And the door above the stairs down to the generator room in Hermelinen Command Bunker has new gap between the door and the doorframe:

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I noticed this, too.
Everything else not yet.

Well, the filters, ok, they are broken somehow. Depending on which filters I select my game still crashes.

Today everything was fine with that.

Could you please add getting the Lazercykel arcade game to work? Honestly for me that is my highest priority.

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im wondering when a hotfix comes out, if it’s just gonna show up, without any news on it

Usually we got an announcement for a hotfix with date and most important changes.
Idk how it will be now as there isn’t a community manager now… Or at least we don’t know a new one.

Keep an eye on social media: X and discord

Think this a non-reported one?

The new Exprimental HP5 and Al76 shows 10 weapon parts in return when recycling it recycling bench and not 20 as the new Sjöqvist and every other Exp. weapon.
Just recyceld one Exp.Al76 when I noticed it and for now I don’t have any more to test if it also gives 10, or 20 weapon parts if it just a typo thing.

You did WHAT ??? :flushed:

Storage problems, keeping only 2 of every 5C and 6C/Exp. weapon I find.
So far 5 of the Exp.Al76 equals 3 recyceld. :grin:

has nobody else experienced the Chat function doesnt show new messages?

Are you on Playstation? Because I would love a EXP AI76!

PC and like I wrote, they are recyceld for weapon parts.

For the last week or so I’ve had the feeling that something fundamentally wrong is happening, and today during the last daily quests for this week’s reward, it’s 100% certain.
Apart from the fact that there is a 75-85% chance of not giving an Experimental weapon when you make a lv3 base attack, but you have to make do with any weapons that the Hunters usually give you, so there will be some weapon parts when you stand there at the recycling bench.

But you get to few parts, the feeling that you are getting too little has grown and grown. “Didn’t I pick up a 4C pitchfork or didn’t I bring that 5C Iron Side or did I miss that one?” The hideous splash screen that reminds you of which weapon you picked up doesn’t come until 10 minutes later, unless you’ve been playing for so long that the splash screen crashes. So not any help from that, or… ?

You sure did, because weapon you pick up disapears from your pack!
Runing in borderlands between Farmland and Mountain region hunting low level Hunters to save high levle Rivals for later and with Hunter it normaly follows a Harvester, and some time Tanks. Espesically in Mountain Region it can also be Apo.class machines = 5C weapons and parts.

And sure enough, I ran into a FNIX Harvester followed by an Apocalypse Tank while tracking down a lvl1 Hunter Rival.
As always, I only pick 2C weapons and up and only 5C parts, not really noting what if it’s not 5C or better as that’s only what I possibly save. As e.g. a 5C Voza.
Just seconds later I look in the pack and there is my new 5C COM-10 mag and new 5C Iron side mag, but where did the 5C Voza go?
Standing only “a few meters” away from the Apo.Tank so I turn around and check again, not there. And not in my pack?! Wasn’t that a 5C Voza?!
And at that moment I get those obnoxious announcement in the middle of the screen, because I haven’t even played 30 minutes yet, so it only lag after a couple more minutes, saying “New weapon 5C Voza” and reminding me what it would look like if I wouldn’t recognize it in the packaging…

For once the screen splash did something good! It proved that I’m not careless or demented!
But GZ game is, just forgetting what I just added to my packing!

It’s only weapons, nothing els have behaved strange, meds and resources and the weapon accessories are always there. This is what makes my cup run over, can’t you even keep the weapons that you pick up? Why even play in that case?

PC/Steam on hardware well above for GZ, before the “optimization” began!

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Well, I can’t confirm all of these phenomenons, but some of them.

One thing regarding your experience regarding the Vosa you picked up: The inventory will be sorted alphabetically when you open it, even if it’s showing that it is sorted chronologically. Only after you are interacting with it (like recycling a weapon), it will switch to the chronological order. So maybe you overlooked it like I am doing it in the opposite way, when I can’t understand why I am overloaded again until I am clicking through my inventory and suddenly the 3C-COM 10 I picked up half an hour ago and being my most recent find will appear at the top. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But yeah, something goes off the rails the longer you are playing. Like you said, the splash screens seem to take longer and longer to show up - until they are not showing up at all.

And the loot you can get is indeed a bit unsatisfying. I got several experimental weapons for easy and medium base assaults this past week, but Level 4 FNIX Tank Rivals and Level 3 base assaults that will yield some ammo and crumbs of crafting materials most of the time does not feel right. And that’s not even mentioning the Reaper and the really underwhelming loot even if you destroy him before he blows himself up.
I really liked the loot before the update better. Then it made sense to switch regions, because you had to collect suitable ammo for a weapon you wanted to use. It also gave you some in-game-explanation for why higher-tier machines were more dangerous (like using higher calibre weapons). Now it just doesn’t matter if you are looting a Prototype Runner or an FNIX Tank - they are all dropping rockets and some .50 Cal. AP in my case (I have yet to see that they can drop .50 Cal. FMJ or 7,62 AP at all and I am actually not even using the .50 and RLG-7 that often). In my oppinion the loot certainly felt better before the update.

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Agreed. It was more regarding. You knew which machines to fight for which ammo and sometimes you got some bonus, too. Now it’s all the same.

Yesterday I made a medium base defense at Älgbacken. Everything went fine. After that I was invaded by about 30 apoc hunters with constant reinforcements from the north. They all headed to my base. And the loot was a mess. I later found out that an apoc harvester next to Leräng control point was responsible for the reinforcements… Nevertheless, why did they all approach my base?

Always use the “tabs” to go through my pack or Plunder stash.
With only 2 rifles and no pistols there is no way I missed a Voza in my pack.
And as I wrote about that Pitchfork and Iron side, it was the last base assult last night when I was already suspected that something might be broken. And made me really keep an eye on what I looted today.

This is just…

I’ve had suspicions since I started using all the XP points unlocked with the last update - “Will this work?”. Experince from other games removing level cap before has been mixed.

My character that is lvl 114 and the one I used for last 18 month or so is the one that had loads of XP points unlocked and first I used some on skils after 2 weeks, all was fine so after some days I went all in and unlocked everything. That was when the specialization like the 1st revive free and 100% health start to bug. And still is (have to test them now).

So, can it have anything to do with the missing loot?

Loading up same world with another character at lvl 39 with only1 specialization skill unlocked (Commando) and only the old 31 XP point/skills used, 8 points more available that I didn’t touch.
Haven’t used him for a long time with nothing in his pack but he was happy to get out and strecth the legs at F23 airfield, where it instant turn to a fight with 1 FNIX Tank, 1 Apo.Tank and then 1 FNIX Harvester with 3 Hunters. And I got the jackpot with 3x 5C weapons from the Apo.Tank and 2 more 5C weapons from the FNIX and another 2x 4C from the Harvester, and more accessories too.
All I looted was in my inventory and back to the F23 safehouse it is still there and then recycled.

Leaving game back to lobby and select same world and my war girl at lvl 114.
This is what I find in my loadout…

Suddenly there is 20 Kg’s or whatever of melee and handguns in her loadout.
And like that wasn’t enough this was also hidden! :open_mouth:

So the big Q is, will this continue to happen? I for sure will be very vigilant about what I pick from the loot now.

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The hotfix just was released.
At least for steam… For consoles will be soon.

I didn’t see anything about the arcades… :disappointed_relieved:

Last night I was trying to lay a trap with mines and the large explosive tanks and the tanks would just vanish when deployed. It seems the ONLY reliable deployable for me now is the mines. Its getting old not being able to use the weapons pack items I paid for.

My Miss Bark Bucket will still only work at the beginning of my session but if I pick her up the next time I try to deploy her she vanishes. Going to a companion station will put her back in inventory but she will still vanish.

I’m on Xbox so I havent got the patch yet…we’ll see.

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