January Hotfix released (all platforms)

It was offered with the same respect that you gave when telling me that FMTEL missions being broken didn’t matter. Respect is a two-way street, and dissing someone’s valid complaint because you don’t play that way and then saying you just play a couple times a week, if that, means that, by comparison, you’re a filthy casual.

I know the game will change over time, but I really want them to stop breaking everything end-game related every time they “fix” something. It feels like they’re “fixing” it the same way one would a dog. And I am allowed to both be upset that they made the game less enjoyable before abandoning it completely, and to express that dissatisfaction. You have the right to comment on my dissatisfaction, but you are not immune to the consequences of those words. People like that have names that the world is going to be intimately familiar with over the next four years. Keep that in mind when you denigrate someone else’s dismay.


Well, of course.

I just wanted to point out that fmtel is broken since ever. They didn’t fix anything on it in the past and probably won’t do it in these last days. It’s more vice versa… It became worse every time they changed something on fmtel.
That’s absolutely disappointing.
It’s the same with the statistics, but more game breaking.

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Yeh the FMTEL missions are really bad.
You dont even get DLC weapons, its easier and more fun to go on a rampage through the map than do some silly challenge, then the points dont work sometimes and every monday it resets, the challenges itself are kinda boring and are only 3 per day, that is not great at all.
It no longer makes sense to complete them, only if you are a new player, because for everybody else only the latest resources and newer experimental weapons will be still missing.

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Perhaps if they offered rewards in the form of refined metals…


The hotfix is now out (for about 3h now) for consoles, too. And I think for PC gamepass as well, but can’t check and confirm that.

I’ll give it a try later.
Please report any issues you notice.

Well, no issues so far, but the daily FMTel-Assignments are still only yielding one Resistance-Point regardless of their difficulty level.

It’s on pc gamepass, I have yet to give the new update a try though, sounds like they fixed a lot of stuff

So the update arrived on Xbox today. First impressions aren’t great. Performance feels abysmal, any kind of smoke and the game stutters.

Can anyone else try fast travelling to Salthomsbro (Western Archipelago Region) leave the safe house and go through the camp past the runners. Head to the road and turn left towards bridge (where the rockets used to land).

My frame rate plummets to single digits without any enemies. I don’t remember it doing that before the last update.

Oh, and unstoppable shells still brings the game to its knees. :man_facepalming:t2:

I did and with companion active, but for me on PC nothing happens, no stutter, no lag.

Done the daily missions and reasonably big fights around the crater in less then an hour, on PC too and knock on wood. No stutter, no fps freeze. Recycling bug with not beeing able to press Recycle all resources button until after you done it by hand hasn’t shown up either.
More time will tell if it going to stay like this or was just a fluke.

Not single digits, but I noticed what you mean.
It highly depends on where you look at.
Looking towards the smokey places reduces the FPS extremely. If you turn around to the bridge again, it’s up again.

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I’ve been trying to find a way to capture the framerate but my devices don’t show it in real time. Unfortunately it’s not just the FPS, but the frame times and input lag spikes that it introduces makes it really hard to control.

Most places with flame & smoke now have the same problem to similar extent. That’s just the most extreme place that springs to mind, but explosions and burning wreckages anywhere cause the same issues.

Also, any XP earned is still shown cumulatively for each encounter.

Meaning that if you eventually earn enough to level up, each subsequent encounter tells you that you leveled up when you didn’t.


I rarely see the ‘save’ icon. When I quit, I usually go to the airport, recycle all that I can, put the rest into my stash. If close the stash and quit, nothing is saved. I’ve started just walking away for about 1/2 hour or more and that may or may not work. One time, the other day, I left the game running and forgot about it. I went to the store so I was gone about an hour, maybe a little more. I shut down the game, when I restarted it I was on the top end of the map…

Well so far so good with the Xbox patched. The deployables seem to be working again…many thanks for that. Did have an issue with some lynxes after a wolf kill. I tagged one with a hacking dart while it was stuck in the air…then dropped it with one shot. It did nothing to the four others on the ground. But they wouldnt attack me either walking right up to them. I even hopped on one and was riding it around…weird.

Took out a level 4 Hunter and Firebird…hunter gave me 2 ethanol and 4 phosphorous…firebird just the normal junk. That was disappointing.

Welp…back at it…only been on for a couple hours so we’ll see.

UPDATE: I spoke too soon or jinxed it…threw out a tick pod, fuel cell and a sticky flair…ALL VANISHED! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@OBiW4NSHiNOBi Series X or S? I went there and even exploded a few barrels, it does get a bit low, but its way worse in some other places, or at least it used to be, i dont know yet.
But for now it seems they opted for a controled bad performance? Where we dont get 5 fps for 6 seconds like we had some times, but it gets like 10 fps for 1 second and then we´re back to a faster play (more fps), like an unbalanced framerate but a playable one.

Honestly i feel like the game requires some corrections, considering not anything new is coming, its just a matter of making sure things run better and most (latest) bugs are fixed, a few fixes and adjustments, thats it.
Lynxes still “float” sometimes.
That “New” over-ecumbered status needed some adjustment but i dont have much hope for that…

THE COMPANION STILL DISAPPEARS after being used for a few times.
How am i supposed to deploy it?
I played for 35 minutes, deployed the companion 3 times, the 4th time it disapearead, just like it did before.
This never happened before the so called “LAST UPDATE”.

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Almost NOTHING has changed except adding 6GB to my Xbox. I’ll try clearing cache one more time tomorrow night then I’m writing this game off and moving on. It has gone from being fun to frustrating.

Its has nothing to do with the “cache”.
Just go for a while and be sure to come back in a few months, i hope until March or April they will fix a few more stuff, because we have to be honest, its their fault its not working right, it was better in 2023 than it is right now.
Just dont expect to run at 60 fps or for big changes.


I was afraid of that (they might just have fixed the issue for the field radios, but not all other reported items).

So, what do you mean with vanish?
Do they disappear for you or for others or both?
I wasn’t able to test the multiplayer related issues yet.

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