Just some things I think we'd all enjoy

so, I don’t know how long this list will be but, I’ve had a couple of ideas on vehicles, or weapons, or hell even new machines that could be added, maybe even a map expansion, if the Dev team ever got more people to work in there,

1: a Gyrocopter

now I know a lot of people have asked for a helicopter or air vehicle for a while, but, a helicopter seems a little OP, flying well over hundreds of mph at full tilt

I was thinking they could add a dinky little gyrocopter, nothing fancy, maybe it’s top speed is 20mph.
If you really wanted to make it silly, maybe it could carry a machinegun or rocket pod, but to make it somewhat balanced, aside the slow speed, it’d absolutely suck down fuel carrying the extra weight.

I think a lot of Gen Zero players would enjoy seeing Ostertorn with a new view.

2: New Area(s)

Now I know it’d be hard as hell to do something with a team of 28 odd people, but

maybe some dlcs to bring us to the other islands, or even a non dlc thing to bring us to the mainland (you’ll see why in a later thought)

now yes, I know, if you had to fully model the mainland, have a bunch of machines, all of them doing their own thing, and then you add in 4 friends going “ooga booga shoot big bot”
The game would turn into Microsoft powerpoint, but hey, nothing a little (or a lot) of ironing out can’t fix, no game is perfect.

3: New Machines

so, we’ve all seen the amazing fanart, heard the stories, we’ve all wanted some new goober, and with the Vulture having been brought to us, it was certainly a sight to behold, but maybe some brand new clankers walking our soil would be nice

so, for something to tie in with an addition of a gyrocopter if it were to come,

a walking SAM site would be a good counter (giving the gyrocopters flares to defend itself in some way of course)

maybe for the Soviets, their new machine would be a 9K35 Strela-10, but instead of tracks, you could see a small head on the front of it’s chassis, and maybe 4 spider like legs to act as a stable platform for launch.

and for the Swedish, the iconic Lvkv 90 C, same thing with the strela, but maybe 6 legs, for the fact it is larger, bulkier, and therefore heavier, problem with having that one in is, well I am not smart enough to think of a counter for a radar guided autocannon with proximity rounds, we’ll fix that problem when we get there.

now for both sides, since this machine couldn’t be based off of some vehicle.
Some machine that will stalk the player, and I mean stalk in a horror movie sense, if you see it in the corner of your eye and try to look at it directly, it’ll move out of view as fast as it can,
it’d be more of a recon machine than anything else, but the suspense that you are always being watched would be great, and if you did manage to get close to it, 1 of 2 things would happen, either A, it turns tail and runs faster than any machine can move so far, rivaling that of a tank in full sprint, or B, sprints at you full charging wailing orders and commands randomly, maybe it has a melee weapon. or a small arm, either way, just some way to terrify a player, or make them wonder what’ll happen next.

4: more silly gadgets

since I feel a lot of people would have stopped reading by now with the text wall I have created
I’ll make this section quick and call it quits.

A kamikaze fpv drone, like the tick exploding, but you have taken it’s camera and explosive charge, threw away the body, and maybe took one of them foam board airplanes you could buy at the store, and turned it into a mini weapon of mass destruction.

going off of weird gadgets that might be OP if used properly

with this one, you pull out a tablet, and can designate an artillery barrage in say, a uhh… 500m distance

how does this artillery barrage work you say? well it’s called I am ripping this idea right out of fallout 4 but making it better, you go to one of your bases, set up a small cannon, (more like a very oversized mortar) and it is controlled by a machine that will aim it, and fire it at the location you designate, the mortar itself will have say, a 1km radius in range (I know that is massive but we are working with sci fi robots here, so anything is possible)

and you can put down 1 or 2 in each base you have, so you can get a lot of support over the map, really make it feel like the resistance you are building is working,

now, yes, I understand some weird people would take control of a base, place down the mortars, and leave, my work around, you have to build a legitimate base, and have it survive 4 of the hardest difficulty raids for you to unlock the ability to use the mortars

oh and the cooldown on when you can use the mortars, lets say 10 minutes, 3 mortar shots in half an hour, sounds small, but, the explosion radius, ehhh, yaknow that giant cannon on fnix uprising? yeah, a little over half of that, big kaboom, big fun.

that is my list, I hope you enjoy reading it, sweet lord I am tired haha.

I didn’t like the idea of a useable helicopter or even viggen, because of their Speed, flying height and the theoretical possibility to reach other islands for which “we don’t own the corresponding DLC” (which might even not exist in case of every Island except Himfjäl).

But a slow and low flying gyrocopter that needs fuel like the motorbikes, that doesn’t sound that bad.

But keep in mind that we would still be able to be shot down by every machine, like for example every tank can shoot at any firebird… Or like the machines also shot down all the fighter jets.

A mobile AA machine wouldn’t be necessary in that case, but could explain a possible solution to prevent flying to unowned content of the map:

Imagine flying towards the island north of Himfjäl.
As soon as you come as close that landing or exiting the gyrocopter and falling down to the Island could be possible, we could get a warning about an incoming AA missile … And a second later you see an Explosion of the gyrocopter and respawn at the next shore.