Keep Crashing on PC (STEAM)

Platform: PC STEAM

Description: Just brought the game 2 few weeks ago from STEAM, and play about total 30 hours, and i getting 10+ times crash (I keep trying to send the bugs report out while the error message pop out, but unsuccessful sent out), until yesterday night we playing i got crash during hunting TANK with the same location 3 times or more , i try to restart my PC but when go to the same area i getting crash again and again, but this not happen with my friends just me. Sometime will crash during driving, sometime crash during sprint.

Steps To Reproduce: as mention above.

Images / Videos: Did not capture

**Host or Client:**Client (I play all the time with 2 of my friends and host by them)

Players in your game: 3 (included me)

Specifications: Alienware 15 R3 , Intel core i7, Nvidia 1060, 16GB RAM (LAPTOP)

Try the beta version.
Does it help?

Steam files already checked for errors? Had something similar recently, because it was a faulty file that was reloaded and since then it’s gone.

Yesterday night we going to try again to play for 4hour straight and without any crash for me. What im doing is to reinstall my nvidia driver. Will try again this few day and get back to here later.

Unfortunately we try again as mention above, my game still getting crashed again for few times with unknown reason. Any idea ? (Even updated the latest nvidia driver but still the same issue)

Yes, done this previously but too bad is not work for me.

What exactly were you doing ingame when the game crashed? There’s been a few reports on very specific things happening resulting in memory issues, for example.