So I realised I accidentally posted this in general discussion, so that should be fixed.
At the same time I’ve discovered that this bug is a bit more broad.
Platform: PC
Description: The Kotenok sniper rifle can neither be reloaded manually (by pressing “R”) or automatically (when the mag is empty) while aiming down the sight or a scope.
Steps To Reproduce: empty a magazine or try to reload while aiming with the weapon
Images / Videos:
Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Me
Specifications: Not relevant?
Old report
Platform: PC
Description: The Kotenok Sniper Rifle won’t automatically reload the magazine if you are loking down a scope
Steps To Reproduce: Empty a magazine while looking down a scope / See video
Images / Videos:
Host or Client: Solo
Players in your game: Me and my emptiness
Specifications: Not relevant?