Let's talk about gas + gas masks

This is why I don’t bother using the gasmasks. Plus the additional clear vision.

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If you have finished the story and skilled up your character the gas masks are absolutly useless in my eyes.

For fighting machines I never used them. Bad sight and no sense. Use healthpacks and keep on moving instead.

If something needs to be revamped, then the whole system about gas.

It could be like:

  • Gas hurts you, but just 3 healthpoints per second as long as you are in contact with it and 1 healthpoint per second for 20 seconds after contact. But gas slows you down and reduces your aiming abilities for 20 seconds after contact, too. Add some heavy breathe sound and maybe a vision like you have tears in your eyes.

  • With the gas resistance skills this effect can be reduced (by the given percentages)

  • With a gas mask at first you lose 1 healthpoint per second due to the contact, but have no effects on movement, aiming and the vision (just the current “bad sight” of the mask). After contact with the gas the hurt ends.

  • a gas mask starts with 100% resistance but loses 1% per second while in contact with the gas. If it’s at 0% it will be dismissed and you have to find a new one.

  • maybe the category of the gas masks and the way it gets equiped should be reworked, too. It makes sense that it is a clothe and can be used by selecting it in the profile tab. But while in battle you don’t have time to select it this way.

As a selectable item like a flare or battery this would be easier, but currently you won’t be able to use a weapon or something else then.

Maybe it could work a bit like a flashlight and could be activated by holding the left stick, like holding the right stick opens the build-menu.

… Just another between many ideas to change the gas masks :wink:

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I would love to have the gas spread more realistic. Atm it’s just a sphere around the center of the detonation point. Inside = ow, outside = whew. The gas is spread regardless of walls, rocks and even solid ground. And even when it’s windy (noticable by the storm sounds) the gas stays at it’s original point. Additionaly after a certain time the gas is just switched off.

Everything about the gas seems a bit rough not to say lazy. Gas should not spread through solid ground and walls. If a window or a door is open it should permeate to the indoors slowly (and should stay there longer). In the outdoors the gas should dissipate faster especially when it’s windy. The effect the gas has should reduce slowly the thinner the gas gets.

One can only dream.


That is precisely my greatest bugbear with gas. If the gas volume can’t be contained by the volume of the space it is supposed to occupy but bleeds through to other areas, then masks should provide better protection.

Also, what kind of gas “penetrates the filters” of gas masks. How small can they make the molecules to penetrate the finest filtration available and still be effective? Don’t wave the realism and lore book when the gas doesn’t even stay where it is supposed to be, like. :slight_smile: and give us at least 50% gas protection from masks.