Letter from the Development Team - September 6th

Swedish for pillage, or looting.


Yes, increase Plundra storage, maybe to 250 to start - and number count per item on slot space is also - superb.

I’d also like attachments to flash over appropriate gun type also while in plundra - and for god sake please catalogue the storage into Ammo, Explosives, Health, then equipment or something to that effect - maybe colour coded etc.


Or you could just provide an endless supply of all ammo types at all safe houses. Sorry, that was ironic … I’m not a fan of a larger Plundra. But I support the other ideas.


I wouldn’t call that a fix for those who already collected 300+ items since launch.


Hopefully September patch to fix previous unlocked items


Gentlemen, ladies, come on…
If you need storage, you have it far too easy.
Or… you’re duping.

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It’s what we’ve got, for now. They said they’re working on it for the September Patch, what more do you want?

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I agree more/larger storage would be a true dumbing down of the game & take away from the looting/survival/planning aspects of the game.

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IMHO (note, in my humble OPINION) they should remove the stash boxes from the barns again…
But that is me.


I think having them in the Command Bunkers makes sense having them in some other locations as well. Though I am personally not a fan of expanding them I do like them at the level they are now. I had to dump some weapons early on that I would have liked to get the feel of better. These enable players to do just that. The AG-5 and .44 are examples I now am getting a feel for them since I can store the others…If all that makes sense to anyone other than me. BTW…Like you everything I write is my opinion…lol.

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Excuse me, I fail to get why you had to dump weapons?
Your base inventory has plenty -if not too much already- space?
I mean, what precisely had you on you so you had to dump weapons?

RN my inventory is full as well, but only with med packs and ammo, radio (walkie-talkie), base stuff I actually use.

Note, I play wit the hardcore mod now (not true, RN I play Greedfall) which has limited space.
It is a somewhat good step in the right direction, but still not scary/hard enough.

We need few more machines, about 20’000 would do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, keep the storage box capacity at 100 i reckon. Otherwise it’ll just end up too easy to store everything you get. I usually sit around 70-85 items in the storage box, and even then there’s probably a good 20-30 things in it i’d never likely use anyway…


Personally, I don’t think there is a need to increase the storage, but that’s down to the way I play. I don’t store everything, as I don’t horde things I don’t or will ever use. As far as i’m concerned though, storage can have 100 slots or 1000 slots, it’s all optional, no one is forcing me to use the storage and the way I play wouldn’t be affected by having more slots in storage.


Might I suggest that you focus also on fixing the story mission issues. The “Enemy of My Enemy”, “A Wrench In The Works” and “Behind The Curtain” Missions are not showing up for me. And It states that I have completed all war boards… This should be given top priority. This is also after the recent patch.

If you had bothered to do a search you’d find that the Enemy of my Enemy has already been acknowledged an is being worked on for the upcoming patch. I’m sure the other mission issues are being worked on as well.

No need to be rude here, but this shouldn’t be happening. I have seen that yes missions are broken, especially the most important ones that pertain to completing the game. Developers such as yourself should have play tested this game before shoving it out the door. Half baked and incomplete. Truth hurts and I hope it does. Learn from your mistakes.

I’m just a moderator, I’m not working for Avalanche Studio’s. There’s much that shouldn’t be happening in games, that’s why there’s patches. As far as The Enemy of my Enemy bug goes it appeared after the August update, it wasn’t there at launch. So please don’t assume as much.

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I kinda figured plundra meant plunder in the games native language. So close due to what? Anglo Saxon lango?

Haha it got heated up here quickly. Emotions can get the better of us. I try not to get frustrated over games anymore. Just when I mess up rebuilding things on my truck lol.

So the only small gripe I have is I’m seeing less bots now. But maybe it’s because I only played 1-2 hours after latest patch. I’m trying to finish the last trophy in fallout shelter. I did noticed on PS4 pro some texture are lowered on bunker concrete especially. I don’t know if that was planned for greater performance. But it was nice to see fashionista hit and I got my platinum. The issue with missions Not showing on challenge truth… Personally doesn’t bother me cause I’m thinking of starting over with my guns. So far things look and feel good in this patch. Can’t wait to see what’s in store next. I just had this thought I love playing coop 8 players on the hunter but hated that I couldn’t do missions with my friends. Maybe an 8 player GZ ?? Lol too much?!?

Ya I realized after my rant that you are a Mod on here. That rant wasn’t directed at you personally. I know you have to hear allot of crap sometimes. But I figured that if enough people are banging on the door sorta speak, it will get Avalanche’s attention. Don’t mind me Xezr it’s not you its them.

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Well, that’s what the forum is for. They do read it regularly. If you’ve got feedback or want to report bugs there are appropriate forum sections for that.