If the issues are only effecting the multi player why not release the single player and update it later?
Awesome GZ team! really excited to finally play this
I think that would be the wrong choice, releasing something thats NOT working in MP.
SinglePlayer i important too, but non-working mp is a non-working game, at least in my opinion…
The latest MP-bug on windows (unknown error when joining invites) has been irritating to say the least, but its bearable with the quick-alt/tab routine, something you simply can not do on a console…
Keep up the good work GZ team, we’re with you!
Good news for the console players. Keep up the good work.
If it takes the full 9 weeks behind PC release, it will be April Update all over again.
And no vanity clothing packs will heal that wound.
How about addressing why you can’t patch the aggressive robots and then work out whatever the problem is with the DLC? How about a rollback? How about something?
Out of pure curiosity, what exactly are those issues?
During the aprril update, machines got harder, but bugs made it insane. We havent had an update since and FNIX rising fixes these issues. Most people have adapted to it on console but it is a pain respawning like 5 times in a fight
In a nutshell: Trying to get 2019 game working on a 2013 hardware and at reasonable FPS as well.
So what you are saying is, that installed base (and earning base I might add) came as a surprise to development? Small team, Covid-19,
insufficient funding, key developers leaving, organizational changes, and now console hardware … well, so many excuses to chose from In my world these challenges are just modus operandi.
Is it just me, or is GZ product management turning into a farce?
Just you buddy. All of these thing will be ironed out once they can return to their work space. And maybe get some new devs.
Sorry buddy, I forgot that one (along with summer vacation and parental leave ). The thing that confused me is, that I’m from Denmark and we returned to our “work space” 10 weeks ago
(and I don’t consider working from home part of our work space).
Anyway, it seems like the development team is particularly hard hit by many things and they have my sympathies, honestly. I’m sure they are really good guys working their butts off to make this happen. But that doesn’t change reality now, and given the situation, perhaps console players that consider purchasing the game should be advised to hold back until the “ironing” has successfully been completed? Personally I am looking forward to that so I can update my Xbox review … one beautiful day in the future …
that is great that you got back! But as far as I now the devs are still working from home.
Edit: I also recommend that people hold off unless there is a sale. Even then.
when planned the next letter?
today. New one already came out
oh, did’t see that. Thanks
A post was merged into an existing topic: Spoiler Bug (DLC Mission): Defend the hotel (Unable to complete “The Resistance”)
I think it’s time for next letter from the team
// my ps4 is asking for update, not me so reading the letters aloud helps for a short time
Auch die Xbox wartet auf den heiß ersehnten Brief
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