Level 5 12G pump

If you have Alpine Unrest DLC, there are known spawn points for LMGs in Himfjäll.
Co-ordinates here: For people who want to know weapon locations ****spoilers****

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Last night I killed two fnix rivals and got ammo just ammo so was a bit miffed as they were maxed out.

Meanwhile I killed a few apocalypse runners and got a 1* 89 and a 2* 59 and a 5* submachine gun compensator which I already have on my 4* 59.

At this point unless I’m looking ammo the only enemy’s worth killing and probably have the best chance are apocalypse.

On another note on Friday I had a fnix runner that became a rival must have been a bug cause i’ve never seen that.

Runners can become rivals, that’s working as intended. It’s just pretty rare, since they’re generally weaker.
A weapon drop from Rivals is not guaranteed despite their level; chances are just increased. Perhaps that can be tweaked :thinking:

Runners only are able to become rivals as personal rivals not as regional. So it’s not that it’s rare, it’s due to most people not actually dying to runners in most cases.


I got a 5* 12G pump from a fnix harvester, but I prefer my 4* semi auto shotgun.

Today is special day, after 390 playing hours. It finally happened, i got my 5* Sjöqvist Semi-Auto shotgun. This is glorious day! :smiley:


Congrats mate !! :+1::sunglasses:

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I think it depends how much you’re using each weapon type. With the US weapons pack, all dlc guns were 3* and it took forever for the 5* N16 to drop. I’m still trying to get every 5* weapon type even though the drop rate on experimental 6* guns is really high

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Some of my collection.

What Level are you? Perhaps that has something to do with it? (Lvl 71 in world 1/char 1)

Hunting on Himfjall is a good choice. Thats were I got a lot of my Gold.

Just to clearify:
The level just affects if you’re able to find experimental weapons… That’s from lvl 25 on. Lvl 31 was the maximum for a long time because of the maximum of 31 skill points.

That’s still the maximum number of skill points, just the maximum character lvl was increased to 10.000.

The more weapons are in the loot pools, the harder it may be to get all in all classes.

DLC weapons have an own loot pool per DLC, so you always have a chance to get multiple weapons… Theoretically one of each DLC and a base game weapon.

Maybe the chances have to be adjusted.
At least I agree that it’s too easy to get experimental weapons, compared to many others, no matter which class.

Nevertheless, this topic is very old and I’ll propose to lock it. It has been dead for 4 years now.


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Yes, I agree. Many in this thread have long since left or lost interest in the discussion.

Please keep that in mind when posting. If it’s been inactive for 4 years, it’s probably better to either make a new topic, or find something newer, similar :+1:

