Level cap has to go

You said: “You make some fantastic points, but at the same time, adding this feature wouldn’t affect the integrity of the game on first play through and as it’s a choice, not a requirement, so I don’t see any issue with it.”
But what with consequent play throughs, and what about the future additions?
The FIRST game, likely, will not be affected that much, but what after?
Or, what further down the DLC road?
Then it will start to affect the game VERY MUCH so…

Merely asking…

Well we’re clearly thinking about it from 2 perspectives and I don’t agree that either are wrong.

I guess with your hardcore mode you suggested in another post, the level cap would also put limitations on that, so why not make it new game +, so you start at 30 (and can go on to, let’s say, 60) enemies start more difficult, which will eventually require additional improvement of skills, but to keep that survival element there it’s balanced to ensure you can’t simply max out the skill trees.

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If it can be done OPTIONAL, and I said this before, I am all for it, I mean it.
I will be the very last to deprive others of their fun.

But I have to be a selfish fuck, too, because if it cannot be OPTIONALLY implemented, it will ruin MY game…
And no, I refuse to have my game fucked over because someone wanted an illogical (and I motivated why illogical) thing in it.
The bikes and stash boxes in the safe houses ALREADY ruined a lot for me, immersion wise…

On a different note: would 30 to 60 not be the same as 0 to 30, just doubled?

You can choose to start playthroughs from the beginning, or from how you finished the last.

As for DLC, well unless it’s going to be story-based, then one other route would be to make it more difficult. With a level cap, you are very limited into how more difficult it can be. No point making DLC with new machines if they aren’t any more difficult than what’s already there (It’s not like a car on GTAO). If you are maxed out at level 30 then aside from the option to reassign your skill points as suggested by another member (which is also a good idea) then where’s the challenge?

The point of all this is is that eventually we want something more to play, as this game is great even in it’s current state, but there’s going to come a point when it will need more, and within all of this there may be a good solution.

No I do agree with you, I wouldn’t want an infinite level up system by default, but it would be nice for people who have already finished the game to have the option, even if to go up by another 30.

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“On a different note: would 30 to 60 not be the same as 0 to 30, just doubled?”

It could be, but dependent on their future plans it could be tailored to balance those. XP earned a bit slower, being one example. This would open up the scope of making future content more challenging.


Wait, having a level cap does not mean you’re limited towards further DLC!!!
Many a game had increases in level/skill points as they went along, my friend, think of for instance Diablo.
So, each DLC can have, for example, 10 more levels.

And yes, later things will become more difficult… and this is where the need for a level cap comes in.
You would engage level 35 machines while being level 243?
And you want challenge still?
How does that work?
Already, there’s absolute lack of challenge…
Then add level cap removal… how would this work?

Introducing further levels with DLC is a great idea, but it also proves my point that with the level cap as it is it would make future DLC more limited. Excellent solution though and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it earlier, as it’s been done before as you mentioned. I still think a new game + feature is feasible, but if I had to choose, it would be DLC with additional levels.

Glad we could come to a conclusion. The rest of it i’m not going to entertain as you’re being irrational.

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I’m irrational?
Why how contradicting.
“You make some fantastic points” you say, but, I am irrational?

You never answered my question, how would this work?

Additional questions:

  1. How does that work in MP? You simply CANNOT combine “pure” gamers with “Level Cap Removed” players.
  2. Do you understand what a level cap is, and why it is used? What the very reason is for having one? If yes, why still go for level cap removal?
  3. “You make some fantastic points”, does this mean, these are logical, pragmatical, acceptable? Or were you being sarcastic? If not sarcastic, again, why still go for level cap removal?

I am not trying to be an arse, and it might seem I am doing just that, but no.
I think I throw in valid points, which, IF this level cap removal is to be implemented, should be addressed.

I am being logical and pragmatical in this, what is so irrational about it?

PS: please, let me add this:
I am autistic, and I think in different ways.
What I am trying to do, is NOT to upset you!!!
I respect you.
I respect your ideas.
But, these ideas give me concerns that I strongly feel, should be addressed…
Not for me, not for you… but for the whole community…
I apologize, if you feel, I am being the biggest dick around.
That is not what I want…

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Because we’re beyond talking about infinite levelling up (not that it was specifically something i said should be a thing in the first place) so I feel you’re back to trying to prove your original point.

In MP, simple, you could have 2 lobbies, one for regular players and one for new game + players. Joining games at random would still be possible, the system could just determine where to place players.

You have made some good points and the majority have been so, but it doesn’t mean I agree with everything you say. I’ve just praised you for a fantastic suggestion, but you’ve chosen to focus on the part where I said you were being irrational by suggesting I would like to make the game really easy, which is not the case.

Honestly, I don’t think you are being a dick, arse or whatever. There is no reason for you to apologise as I feel that in all of this a really good solution to add more to the game in the future has arisen, and it has made me more positive going forward. This is/was a very healthy debate.


Excuse me, Thierry, I never said you wanted to make the game easy.
I said, it will become completely unbalanced.
That, sir, is not the same.

About the 2 lobbies, I accept that idea as solution.
Good idea.

As for level cap: Do you understand what a level cap is, and why it is used?
What the very reason is for having one?

And please do not take my question as insult, it is an actual question…

I am on this, in case it can’t be optional.
If it can be optional?
Again, I am 1000% FOR it.
As long as it won’t affect me by force.
But… what if it CANNOT be optional… that is why I keep… nagging…

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Since people can’t seem to get along on a public discussion forum without derailing treads with banter, and throwing accusations back and forth, I’ll be locking this thread. Warnings have been issued where necessary.

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