Level up and grenade BUG on PS4

when you level up to 31 the green bar BREAKS and bad. The levelling up stops working and makes the game feel less rewarding without levelling up. PLEASE fix this bug as soon as possible it really stops the experience of this fantastic game. Another bug is when i select a grenade in my hot bar and throw it, it doesn’t appear to be thrown and blows up in my pocket. This has happened on the PS4 i don’t know if its happened on Xbox or PC but it really needs to be fixed. Thank you if you fix this

Level cap is 31, yes it sucks i know!
Grenade exploding in hands is a bug that sometimes occurs, still waiting for that fix.

Since reaching level 31 is not a bug, and since there’s already a thread about Vanishing Throwables, I’ll be locking this.