"Load Seams" Seemingly Cause Cloning of Calle's truck

Platform: PC

Player Alpha: Host
Player Bravo: Me
Player Charlie: Glitched Player

So a short while ago I was playing with some friends about to help Alpha finish the FNIX Rising dlc when I start hearing a loud noise coming from the garage in the ring fort after Charlie fast travels away and moves around a bit, and soon enough this happens.

It seems to our knowledge as though having us in separate areas at the same time, going near the funny loading zones around control points caused a clone of Calle’s truck to appear. Both trucks were visible but the prime truck was functioning without issue but the clone truck fell behind and as we found out, was not visible to Charlie, but said player could freely push it with a bicycle without feeling any resistance and the truck would violently spaz to deal with the intersecting collisions(which resulted in utterly hysterical amounts of fun mind you)

The most interesting part was that both trucks for the most part were perfectly functional, responding separately but equally to the mission triggers to start and stop the truck. The clone eventually got behind by being stuck while the other truck advanced, but would still move forward once the go signal was delivered to the trucks by mission milestones, and would independently respond to player proximity but not show up on the map, not have any interaction, and not be hit by fnix cannon strikes but still took damage. Eventually it did just get stuck again and we gave up trying to escort both and managed to complete the mission without further issue.