Log menu - can’t R2 to sides, collectables, tutorials or stats?

This might just be me, but in the log menu i can’t press R2 to scroll across to side missions, collectables, tutorials or stats. I have active side missions on the map but not in the Log tab?!


Sure it’s not your controller? That sounds more like a hardware issue than something with the game. Try shutting the game down then restarting, and also verify it’s not the controller. If it’s not any of that, I have no idea my man. Sorry to hear about that, I hope you’re able to get it worked out!

I have the same problem right now. Whats pissed me off is that since the March update you have to press R2 to select your other items on your inventory. So now if I want to select a weapon for a slot I literally have to drop it then pick it up so it reassigns it to one. I also cant attach any of the items to my slots anymore which is annoying. If it my controller I’m going to be annoyed as the R2 button works fine on every other game I use. Im quite upset because I only installed this the other day and was getting really into it. Just hope this goes away or I’ll have even less to do during quarantine :joy::joy:

With the new update my button is lock for my inventory but for shoot its okay…

Threads merged.
