Log menu subdirectory disappeared

Platform: PC-steam

Description: subdirectory of Log menu disappeared

Steps To Reproduce: unknown

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: host/singleplayer

Players in your game: only myself

Specifications: RTX2080Ti 11G ; i9-9900k; MSI MEG z390 ACE; 4266 c-19 8G*2

Does it stay that way if you restart the game and Steam?

What if you change language to english? (That often helped with ui-issues)

It back normal after restart the game ,but won’t fix by return to title and resume

Oh,this bug seems usually triggered by trying to fix other bugs by back to title and resume; like npc model lost,npc dialogue lost,dlc audio log bugged. I feel really annoyed cuz these really disrupted immersion

On playstation there is a shortkey to Switch the tabs.
Is there something similar on PC?
Does it work if you use them?