Lost Hunting Rifle (glitched), how do I get it back (or another one)

Xbox One, just purchased today. Did the Hunting Rifle quest and was using it regularly. Visited castle and got SMG and Automatic rifle.

Low ammo for SMG and rifle ran out. Switched Hunting Rifle into SMG spot and while it said hunting rifle, it displayed SMG with no ammo. And performed like the SMG with no ammo. Picture attached (cropped and brightened but it is in my Xbox feed)


Eventually in attempted swapping between weapons ended up with the hunting rifle missing. Not in inventory or weapon slots. Now I don’t have it and it has not spawned back at the hunters cabin.

Shortly after this the game crashed and my Xbox One X completely rebooted. Still no hunting rifle.

Where can I (re)find the hunting rifle in the early game?

Mortnas (2312.523, 2892.770)-ish. It’s the last farmstead before Salthamn. My notes say ‘in the house’. Not very specific, come to think of it.

Thanks. Will check there. Getting sick of long range battles with the pistol.

There is one in the Stenhaga Farm. Upper level of the barn. (2721.299, 2526.667). It is also a Safe House for fast travel.

Hope this helps someone else as well.

And just discovered I have two Meusser Hunting Rifles listed when I attach silencers/scopes. Only one shows and takes up inventory. Weird.

And if I assign all my ammo of that type to the non-existent rifle it disappears forever.

So, while I have a rifle, I no longer have ammo for it. For now anyway.

When it first happens try dropping the rifle (when you are somewhere safe) and then pick it up again, the ammo is usually in the backpack along with the scope etc

You can’t drop a weapon it doesn’t show!!!