Lost in bunkers

Some kind of pathway marks in bunkers to make it easier to find the war rooms and your way out would be helpful

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And a gas mask that makes you immune to gas attacks

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Gas masks help you with gas attacks, but immune would be too much.

But pathways in bunkers would be cool, some colored lines at the walls or floors would be so awesome!

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Yeah maybe add some signs that say “war room” and “exit”. Rather than having to guess what is what.

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No i feel that they have recreated swedish bunkers very good.

People can see it in this way to, your sense of directions will be better after playing this game!

a map inside bunkers would be nice. I don’t want to walk in and automatically have a map but it could generate a map of the bunker as i explore it


I agree, a map generated as you explore would be great. If you are in a bunker and switch to view the map the default map shown is of the portion of the bunker you have already explored. Have the option to toggle to the regular map. It can be very frustrating trying to explore a bunker with multiple levels. Horizon Zero Dawn has a good mapping system for underground structures, Allowing you to toggle between each underground level all the way to the surface. Very handy when exploring.

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