Lowering brightness of green/red ironsights?

I seem to recall reading about a change to this sometime this last year?
Ironsights at night are still almost useless for me.

Alongside the too high brightness, part of the problem seems to be that the “glow/lensdirt” effect is also triggered when looking through the Ironsights by the tint itself.

Edit @Zesiir might be right about the new LMGs not being adjusted but the older guns are still too bright for practical use for me at night or in dark bunkers. (Aha the special KVM89 doesnt even have a tint yet) Here is comparison of a few different special weapons.


Wow, that’s very bright. Could be that it’s one of the newer guns, maybe it hasn’t been adjusted properly. Good feedback :+1:

Yeah it’s hard to spot, even harder to work the recoil on, that Harvester I’m aiming at there :wink:
I’ll check if it varies between different guns.

Disabling lens dirt would help significantly… if we’ll ever get this option :roll_eyes:

You could put a scope…

ouch salty :wink: how did you miss what this thread was about with that title and OP… ? :wink:

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Also adding, what is the dot on the Kpists ironsight meant to represent? Wouldnt the pointy tip of the ironsight be better colored green/red instead?