Machines not dropping loot....and moped performance

Hello, all,

Posting this here since honestly I don’t know if it is a game bug, or deliberate on the devs’ part.

I’ve really enjoyed Generation Zero, and its improvements…up until now.

Lately, I’ve been running into a rash of machines (from Seekers on up to the Vulture itself, and Rivals in between to boot) not having loot in their inventories. I just used up a lot of well-aimed and shot ammo downing a Vulture, and when I ran up to collect its loot: “Inventory Empty”. That is extremely frustrating, and leans me towards the regretful side of getting this game (which I’ve had for years). Anyone else had this happen to them taking on a Reaper or a Vulture? (Or even Rivals?)

Also, does difficulty affect Vehicle transport. When I was playing in Skirmish mode, the only thing that would affect my vehicle performance (mostly using the Flakmoped that has the storage, recycling and crafting stations on it) would be if my fellow player would jump up onto the front platform of that moped so I could drive us both. However, when I switched over to Guerilla difficulty…all of the mopeds seem useless…most especially the Flakmoped with the aforementioned storage and crafting tools. It seems kinda pointless to use that (or any) moped, if all the weight from storage (or weight from personal inventory) is going to affect its performance to debilitation since the storage is shared between all Safehouse points. And with what I carry personally, I can’t even get a regular or off-road moped to work right. So, I’m guessing weight (both in character and in the storage spaces) competely degrades the abilities of mopeds on Guerilla and higer difficulties?

Thanks folks. I hope these issues might be addressed. Again, I do not know if these are game bugs, or deliberate speedbumps by the devs.


I never switched the difficulty to guerilla, so I could be wrong, but usually just the surface your driving on and its gradient affects the vehicles performance.

Regarding the loot I never experienced machines greater than hunters having no loot. And even with them it happened almost never. For runners, yeah that may happen, but not often.

How long have you been playing in your session until that started?

Hi, Madchaser. Thanks for replying.

This (no loot) had been going on several times over several long (over three hours) play sessions…solo. I don’t think I had a problem with it in co-op…just in solo play. And the lack of drops can happen just a few minutes into the game, up until I get frustrated with the lack of drops throughout the session…especially against more difficult enemies.

But yes, this has affected many different machines, including, as mentioned, the Vulture.

As for the mopeds, grades of slopes I can understand, even on roads. But I never had a problem reaching 50Kph before until I switched to Guerilla difficulty. Right now, about the only thing i can use the utility Flakmoped for is for additional features that a newly unlocked safehouse (or any barebones safehouse) might lack (recycling or crafting). By that. I mean, I go on foot to such a safehouse (or fast travel if it is one I’ve unlocked) and just spawn the Flakmoped there so I can use its additional functions. Hope that makes sense.