Machines spot me in impossible ways

Yes, that is my experience too. The battle-music scope has been widened significantly after the update. I was walking in a forest area when the music began, so I took my binoculars and checked the area. And somewhere in the distance a hunter was in sleep mode. The Algstudsare with silencer took it out in a few shots without it moving at all.

I played a bit today at the mountain region and klinte as well the machine behaviour was a lot better only once when teleporting to klinte church the dogs around there sort of aggroed before they saw me up the church tower but didn’t start shooting before getting line of sight. Sometimes the in combat lasted a bit longer after the robots were killed but mostly it seemed a lot better today. Not sure if there was a fix to it or something.

Quite good example of strange behaviour was in the stream today at 33:54. The hunter was shooting flyes on the garden fance.


I played it the other night (Xbox ONE) and had the same experience. Machines just standing there even recognizing me. I stood next to it… so I killed it anyway. :grinning: Still combat music, no fast travelling available… There is definitely something wrong since the last update!

Yeah I’m on PC and have experienced just about everything on here everyone is talking about. When it first happened, I thought someone else was in the game with me and had peeved off a tank and about 6 or so runners. They were attacking a house about 200 or so yards from me bombarding it relentlessly. Its either bugged out or they jacked the agro and visibility way up. I’m sure the Devs are taking note and will fix it, but until then…lets go blow up some crazy ass robots. Good luck and happy hunting guys. :grin:

I experienced this last night but to me it actually seems more reasonable. The only machines to see me at very long ranges were tanks, and that was about 200-250 metres. Before I always thought tanks were really dumb, they could nearly step on you and not see you and they were very easy to sneak around/past, especially in urban areas.

There are some that are still “blind” but others try to kill you from a long way away. I find this adds tension so is a good thing.

I heard runner gunshots a fair bit last night and the sound of distant gunfire to me adds a lot of mood to the game, it feels like there’s other people out there fighting the machines. It brings the silent world to life a little.

The only encounter I had with a “stupid” machine was one runner shooting up an empty house which I destroyed without it reacting to me. In some cases I assume the machines think they hear people in the houses and attack them. In terms of the game world it actually seems pretty sensible.

So yes, definitely some changes, but I think if the devs could add some code so that when these “stupid” machines are approached or shot at they turn on the player, I think that would fix the problem.

I found the extra vigilant tanks added a huge amount of tension to the game - I spent far more time last session sneaking about and being careful, something I think makes the game more fun. Others will disagree and that’s fair, just wanted to add my thoughts.

Playing on PC, can confirm this with solo or multiplayer.
Instant combat without detection.

Also Hunters get weirdly passive in solo and multiplayer modes. They stand there, you can shoot weapon of from Hunter before it starts to again react.
Haven’t notice this passive behaviour on any other robot type to be absolutely sure about it.