Machines Unresponsive During Base Attack

Platform: Xbox 1

Description: So for some reason, during an easy and medium attack, most of the machines didn’t shoot at my base. Runners, Hunters, and Tanks would mostly just stand there or walk around, but only a few, occasionally shot at either my base or my character. This happened with both attacks. This is the only time I’ve seen this, and it’s only happened at this location (Broängen, in the Farmlands Region’s centre), and I’ve only used this base design at this location, so it’s either location or base design.

A description of my base’s design: It has two layers. An inner high wooden wall around the CC. Between that and the outer wall is 5 sniper turrets, a few sniper towers, and a few pieces of scaffolding. The outer wall is triple layered, with two layers of high wooden walls, with a perimeter of short steel walls around them. In a few spots the high wooden walls are replaced with metal ones with the view port, but still have the short metal walls.

Steps To Reproduce: Unknown, but as it’s happened twice, I suspect it’s either the location or my base’s design.

Images / Videos: A picture of my base design. I don’t have video of them not attacking, but I can get one if needed.

Host or Client: Host.

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: Regular Xbox 1.

I saw this same thing happen in someone else’s game as I was helping them out. It took us killing most of the machines before the last one finally started to fight back.

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Platform: Xbox 1

Description: I’ve encountered more oddly behaving machines during a base defense mission at a different location. Two Hunters which didn’t do anything, and a Tank that walks in circles after firing a single machine gun burst.

Steps To Reproduce: Unknown.

Images / Videos: Generation Zero-Base Defense Machine AI Bug - YouTube

Host or Client: Host.

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: Regular Xbox 1.